
Makla rose

Ask @maklarose123

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What's one thing you've always hoped to do "one day"?

Become famous and live the life that I always wanted to live

How often do you clean your room?

As a girl I am supose to keep my room cleen. But as being a girl with a five year old sister, ahhhh aintt nobady gott time for datt

If you could only eat one food, and nothing else, for three days in a row, what would it be?

Ppppiiizaaaa :D

um hi ?

Ryan Da Silva
um, UM? if you didnt want to talk you didnt realy half to reply why does everyone do that?! im sorry but if you dont want to talk its fine i dont anymore ?? before saying anything

What makes someone attractive?

Hmhmh hard idk pretty eys good to stare at nice face lol I ahave no idea :-P

Do you feel older or younger than your real age?

i feel sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much older than i am!

AWWW <3 THANKYOU imma try n relax bc sleep is out of the question

Your wolcome :-) I'm not going to be a doctor, but If I were you I woul just go to sleep and in the morning take a hot shower :-\ atleast that's whati do lol

Idk I think I may have eaten somethin to upset my tummy but other dan that i have no idea X(

Ohhh welli hope u get getter luv I was feeling bad this morning as well so :-\
Liked by: Sprinkles!

What do you value more than anything else?

my mum, if it wasnt for her i wouldnt be were i am. i mean i wouldnt be alive


Language: English