

Ask @maluchapinfoley

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If someone asked you, "who are you?" What would you say?

I would say that I am Malu Chapin Foley, theif of words, sanity, and apparently scrapbooking materials. I would also say that I know who I am because I'm in love with a very certain someone and at one point in my life that was all I knew and I'm so so thankful that's true.

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How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

The woodchuck would chuck as much wood as he would like without the pressure that is put on him daily by society, GOSH,
Liked by: Alex LeCompte

What was the last life-changing decision you had to make?

my vaulting theme for this year OMH and I still haven't decided

I'm dropping that thun thun thun. What are you going to do about it?

omg :,D I'll be dropping with ya gurl.

What exercises do you do to workout your abs?

Umm I feel like dance and vaulting is really the big thing but I don't do any sit-ups. :P all I do is planks!

Do you workout outside of vaulting?

I try to.. I don't go to a gym or anything like that but I mostly do body weight exercises and jump roping and stuff like that. (: Ohhh and I do a bunch of dance too. :P (jazz, tap, salsa)

Do you eat a certain diet?

Not really.. I try to eat healthy and all, but it's not like I restrict myself to exact things. Also, I make breakfast my biggest meal so that 1) you have a lot of energy for the day and 2) you have the whole day to burn off those calories. I try not to eat fried foods and all that either. (sorry for the long answer but I want to become a nutritionist or dietician haha).

Ik we've had our ups and downs but you're a really great friend.:)

Awh thanks I wish I knew who this was dm me (:

When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?

My hurr is cray cray.


Language: English