Somebody who I once called a friend is now the person who hurts me the most April 08, 2022 I’ve been there
I'm 24 and I never did anything with my life. Is it too late? Should I just give up? April 08, 2022 No don’t give up
Stop trying so hard to be hip lol it is cringey and embarrassing April 08, 2022 you are cringy and embarassing
If a guy is mean to you does he like you? April 08, 2022 if he does he has a bad way of showing it, don’t settle for that
Jesus loves you and if you have any questions about God just message me 👍🏻♥️ April 08, 2022 I love Jesus too + 2 💬 messagesread all
Did you know that these are meant to be questions, not status updates? 😑 April 08, 2022 fasho Liked by: Shelby Keahi
What cures a broken heart? April 08, 2022 Moving forward and surrounding yourself by all the people and things you love
I never understood taking a break while in a relationship. Would you ever consider taking a break? 🤔 Mary Jane April 08, 2022 Eh depends on the situation but probably not. Usually the person wanting the break is up to no good so it’s kinda over if I lose trust
Are you still friends with your exes? April 08, 2022 No we just don’t have anything in common anymore but no hard feelings
When was the last time you called the police ? April 08, 2022 When my neighbors were being too loud lol
How do you feel about sharing your password with your partner ? April 08, 2022 Idc I have nothing to hide