
❥ Demon King

Latest answers from ❥ Demon King

What was the longest conversation you have had with someone recently? What was it about?

With mom. About ovaltine and milo, and which is better......

well. i started with rasengan so i must be naruto, and you started with chidori so you must be sasuke, and now we have to kiss.(just kidding on the last part)

then I'm gonna leave and you'll have to chase around telling me to go home XDD

Kak Mao aq bisa jadi ototounya kakak? Plak :p

waduh. udah punya dua nih. tapi kalo bs dibully gapapa dah haha

Apakah anda sudah behenti cosplay? Jarang sekali saya lihat mbak nya cosplay

Wew belum. Utang project masi banyak kakak hahah

Minal aidzin wal faidzin mbk =) Maaf ya aku maw mention twit sampean koq sunkan. Ada saran g mbk merk kosmetik rekom utk cosplay pemula? Matursuwun sanget lho mbk e

Iya.. minal aidzin juga :)
Wah kalau merk cocok2an ya ._.
Amannya mgkn coba local brand deh yg sesuai sama jenis kulit org indonesia :) Wardah bagus kok, banyak jg temen2 yg pakai.

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