
Apple N.

Ask @mapples

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What is the prettiest city you have ever been to?

Wow, that's difficult. The farthest places I've reached, I don't remember much about because I was kind of young. But I last went to Qatar in '09 and maaaan that place is lovely. Also, Philippines has a LOT of beautiful places, like Naga, Tagaytay and Laguna.

What names do you want to give to your children?

I'd probably name my daughters after my favorite girlfriends: Jameela, Jerika, Angela, etc. My sons, I don't know yet. I might name them after the code names I've given to people I write about. Like Ravi, or Trey. Hahaha. I enjoy names too much.

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What are you most proud of?

The fact that I've gotten this far when, really, I could have dropped out, run away, or thrown in the towel to life a long time ago.

What do you believe happens to us after we die?

I believe in an afterlife, in a Heaven. What do I believe actually happens, I haven't decided yet. :)

What are the most comfortable shoes?

Shoes nanaman, natawa ako :)) Well, okay. Since my toes get eaten up so easily, the most comfortable shoes for me are open-toe sandals. Flip-flops, when lazy. Haha. I had really comfy "ballet flats" once, but they got ruined in the rainy weather. :(
Liked by: Jayne Orlina

What have you been thinking about lately?

This day, this week, work, and how I want to get away from it all. Also, about people and about the way I think about people.

Your parents are giving you a graduation gift. Car, condo, or a vacation to anywhere in the world?

In order of preference: condo, car, vacation

What do you value most in your friends?

Cheesy stuff: patience, understanding, loyalty. I know I can be difficult, and my best friends in the whole world are those who have stuck with me -- and loved me -- through my difficult phases. Patience, because sometimes all I need is time, silence, and tolerance. Understanding, that I feel too much and I'm not always that strong or that certain, and that I'll try my best when I'm ready for it. And loyalty, to never use my weaknesses against me or criticize me behind my back (because that shit hurts. I've been there). Gaah, I have issues with being social. Haha.
Liked by: Jayne Orlina

Will you run for president for bookbench next year :> you might know who I am already wahahaha

I have no idea who you are, because anyone who is likely to ask me that question already knows the answer. :)))

Oh wow yeah, that sucks. :( When I shop in US sites, I like having the items shipped through Johnny Air because it gets shipped straight to their branch in Megamall. I don't have to pay customs fees. :)) And they've never lost anything, ever. Problema lang pag hindi sa US e...

Jayne Orlina
Johnny Air. Noted. From what I've read, USPS lang talaga ang may issue, and only here in the Philippines. Kasi J bought something from the same shop, and he got his before Christmas :< Boooo. Anyway. I don't want to online shop muna until I get my last order. Huhuhuhu.
Liked by: Jayne Orlina

Maybe we can shop in Etsy together to save on shipping! *O*

Jayne Orlina
You Etsy too, OMG *u* But I'm kind of traumatized right now, because I placed an order around November, and I still don't have it :)))) I'm going to call the Philippine Post Office soon.

What talent do you wish you'd been born with?

Some musical ability. I'd say art, but I think I have a little bit of that and I just didn't grow it. Haha.

What's with your shoes? why are people asking about it? AHAHAHA =))

I don't know :)))) If it were just my shoes, okay. But they were asking about how I throw them. Hahahahaha

If you could leave, would you? Leave everything and everyone. Go to a place where nobody knows who you are and start anew. Ignoring the details of supporting yourself and where. Would you?

Some days there is nothing I want more. Catch me on those days, and I'll run in an instant. These days, though, I just want a break. I can't leave everything behind because I've worked too hard to survive this far.
Liked by: Jayne Orlina

I don't like Facebook either. These days, every time I log in it sends tremors down my spine. And I'm not mean, just creepy! (Thumbelina?)

Liked by: Jayne Orlina

What is the quality you most like in a woman?

Grace. Elegance. Inner beauty. Some power over herself and her elements.

What's something that can always make you feel better?

I can't think of anything that can ALWAYS make me feel better.

How do you keep yourself busy on a rainy day?

Take a long, long nap. Haha. If no one's home, cuddle up with a book and warm drink.

What are the things you want to avoid in a relationship?

I've left this for almost a day, and I still don't know how to answer this.

Never mind what the story of Thumbelina "means." Would you find it weird if someone started calling you that? Haha

You're mean :)))))

If you could have anything you want for dinner tonight, what would you have?

Would I suck if I just said "corned beef"? Hahahaha
Liked by: Ivan

He/she asks the same questions. We also got the same people should ___ more often question haha ang weird lang. o_o

Jayne Orlina
Ara got the ___ question too. Mmm mmm. Ateneo is a small world.

haha :) so if it's becoming weird, what do you think about it then? :P I mean so what if it's weird? =)))

You're a strange little anon :))))


Language: English