
Eliza Sommers

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Kalbinin sesini dinler misin

tuananaztiryakii’s Profile PhotoTuananaz Tiryaki
Evet, aslında dinlemeliyim, eğer dinlemem kötü sonuçlar çıkar .. zaten şu anda beyin hakkında bilgi edindikten sonra çok önemli bir şey öğrendim. benim kalbim hiç bir şey yapmıyor, hepsi beyinde oluyor. Bizim beyinleri çok zeki değil bazen onları çocuk gibi çalışıyor, korkuyorlar, stres yapıyorlar, o nedenle biz çakılmış şeyler yapıyoruz.

En Son Hangi Kitabı Okudunuz?🌼

Ahh bu soru çok severim. En son kitabı okudum çok güzeldi, ve bu kitabinden çok şeyler öğrendim. Onun ismi biraz zor yazamam ama bundan çok memnunum

Birini seviyorsun ama ailen istemiyor ailenimi seçersin onu mu?

Bu konu biraz karışık, yani onu seçebilelim ama belki sonra pişman olabilirim, özellikle arab ülkelerinde ve insanlar için çok zor oluyor, eğer onu seçtim hiç rahat hissetmem hayatımda

Müzik dinlemeyi seviyor musunuz

psychoman80579’s Profile Photopsychologyman
Tabi severim, özellikle şu anda Taylor Swift şarkları çok dinlerim. Aslında öncelikle hiç sevmedim onu .. ama şimdi onu benim favorim 🏻

لحديثگ عن فلسطين🇵🇸...🖋️

Md_Mr7’s Profile Photoمُــؤَيّـــدْ
دم يضيع بدون ما يحسبوله في قيمته صغار يتقطعوا أشلاء بسبب الجهل والتخلف والتمسك بدعاوي دينية الدين بريء منها تأجيج وإعلام وتحريض بدون فعل حقيقي بدون تخطيط بدون بصيرة مع اعتقاد ساذج بأن الدعاء وقيام الليل سينصرهم وضلالهم بأن الله سبحانه وتعالى خلق الكون ليتمحور حولهم وأنه في يوم وليلة سنصرهم بدون عمل وعلم واجتهاد بينما الواقع يقول ان عدد الوفيات يزيد وأن العدو معه العدة والسلاح والتخطيط والذكاء والعلم والحنكة والمال، وبدل أن يسألوا عن كيف توصل العدو لكل هذا وكيف لنا أن نرتقي لنفس مستواه ونتغلب عليه يظلون يعبرون عن حنقهم له وطلب تعاطف الغرب ولعب دور الضحية وسبهم وشتمهم بينما يستخدمون وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي المملوكة لهم ويرتدون ملابسهم ويستهلكون صناعتهم!
وَأَعِدُّوا لَهُم مَّا اسْتَطَعْتُم مِّن قُوَّةٍ وَمِن رِّبَاطِ الْخَيْلِ تُرْهِبُونَ بِهِ عَدُوَّ اللَّهِ وَعَدُوَّكُمْ وَآخَرِينَ مِن دُونِهِمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَهُمُ اللَّهُ يَعْلَمُهُمْ ۚ وَمَا تُنفِقُوا مِن شَيْءٍ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ يُوَفَّ إِلَيْكُمْ وَأَنتُمْ لَا تُظْلَمُونَ (60) ۞ وَإِن جَنَحُوا لِلسَّلْمِ فَاجْنَحْ لَهَا وَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى اللَّهِ ۚ إِنَّهُ هُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ

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Someone is crazy enough to study physics only because they love it!
Most people don’t understand the passion that I have towards studying, basically understanding the world and how it works, especially when we think of it as it’s a source of power to improve communities. Also god asked us to learn about the universe he created in the Quran.
Besides, I’m pretty sure that there’s beauty behind every regular thing we see, and by understanding physics and thinking about it the right way (obviously not like in university at all) we will be able to see this beauty. So why not?


nurcan0909’s Profile Photonurcan
Whenever I use English then it’s something I’m struggling to say.
Here’s another day of me trying to reach my goal of self worth, another day of me trying to drag myself out of the place that makes me miserable, another day of me trying to avoid thinking because it’s obvious but I still need time to decide.
Another day of me feeling lost but also grateful that I’m going to face it alone and learn about it by my own so I don’t need anyone, and when I don’t need anyone I become free and therefore able to make healthy relationships.
Another day of me feeling ok despite everything, trying to focus only on the gifts that I have, starting with the taste of coffee, my ability to buy a chocolate bar and enjoy it, my chance of choosing a series to watch.. and basically every single thing in this magnificent world, and although it’s great but it also needs from us to work really hard, mentally and physically; so we can enjoy it and live in peace. (Which is what I’m trying to do now l, with passion)
Lastly, another day of me getting away from the regular way of thinking so ppl now can’t understand me, because it’s messy and confusing a bit (because I still try to figure it out) .. which is also the reason I don’t write much on my IG and I’m coming back here (again!)
Also another day of neck pain that I have no idea what to do at least to reduce it so I can do everything pain free!

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En yakın arkadaşın sana yalan söylediğini bilsen napardın? Nasıl hissedersin?

esraa154ahmed’s Profile PhotoEsraa..
I already did. Ended up accepting it but in the inside it kept hurting, because I usually don’t lie and even when I do; I do for purpose, and I don’t lie about great and important things. I generally appreciate honesty even tho sometimes ppl lie and love to hear lies.
And back to my friend who lied, now I can’t think of it without being sad about the fact that I’ve been through it and more. Like why?

İyi geceler

anonstar98931’s Profile Photogül ama solmayandan
I guess this place is capable of holding more and more each year.
Funny how things started here and it will finish here as well.
I usually talk, write, basically do something. I don’t just sit quietly I don’t let it pass without over analyzing every single detail.. but now I’m just acting differently by being so calm .. so calm that it’s suspicious. Am I ok?
It depends.
If I was asking about my lifestyle and regular routine then probably yes I’m. I’m doing everything so great, I eat I laugh I sleep so good I study I read ..
But when it comes to what is inside, it’s also ok.. but it’s not the “happy” ok it’s just the “bored” one
Not the warm one definitely but just the cold hard working one who ignores herself
It’s the “ok” that we say because we want and know that we must go forward. The “ok” we say to pretend and lie
And whenever I try to find out what’s hidden inside this “ok” I can’t.. something is preventing me from digging deeper and it’s killing me that I don’t know why?
I want to know why I’m not crying right now.. why I’m not complaining about how my life is shallow when you are not here .. why I’m just cool and actually trying to get to know new ppl and friends .. it’s not just maturing because maturing takes time and effort.. I didn’t put any time or effort on anything.. am not even proud. What is wrong with me?
I based my whole life on your existing and yet I don’t feel completely shattered now .. I’ve always panicked whenever I noticed your absence and now I’m the person who actually gets annoyed because of it?
How can I understand what I’m going through.. even after giving myself the last hope to “maybe” understand even a little by writing this .. I couldn’t understand anything at all
What I’m supposed to do?

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Language: English