
Marwa Mahmoud

Ask @marooo131

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Loss of energy is one of the hardest things that could happen to someone, loss of energy towards the things you have worked hard to achieve, loss of energy for conservations and discussions, loss of energy towards blaming or expressing your feelings, we don't intend to isolate ourselves or avoid anyone, but sometimes the smallest efforts are so hard to bear, sometimes we need to distant ourselves , to think and reconsider some things and to recharge our souls again.
Loss of energy is one of the hardest things that could happen to someone loss

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كل سنة وانتي طيبة بحبك 😍

هو وانت طيب بس معلش هو دلوقتى كل سنه وانت طيب مبقتش بتتقال لوحدها لزم حاجه معاها
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هل القرارات التي اخترتها الى حد الان هي التي اوصلت حياتك الى ما هيَّ عليه ام الظروف التي مررت بها أجبَرتك ..؟🌿

بصراحه مش عارفه
Liked by: M.Eldahrogy

ما الوجبة الخفيفة التي تفضلها عند منتصف الليل؟

مثلا بيتزا كريب برجر حاجات يعنى خفيفه اوى
Liked by: M.Eldahrogy


Language: English