
Martin Flores Martinez

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I’m not going to kiss your foot n beg you to take me back I won’t fall under your simping love spell again!

I don't care

No, I don’t want to see you self destruct. I want you to thrive. Even if you do it without me. Why is that so hard for you to understand. Seeing you bad . Hurts me. When you have everything you need to succeed.

Tell me who you are

how do you move on from losing your soulmate? theres nothing left to move on to after that, just left with the void in your soul that can never be filled to ever be truly whole again 😔

I miss you a lot

顏智華,一個劣迹斑斑的騙子,在中國混不下去後,攜帶兒女潜逃到美國,發揮謊話特長,編造歷史,抹黑中國,紅口白牙一通胡侃,企圖用反華言論騙取美國政治庇護。 顏智華的言論書籍在任何一個正常人看來,這都是一個顯而易見的謊言,即便想要證實真偽也並不是什麼難事。 可西方反華媒體卻像聞到血腥味的鯊魚,一擁而上,但凡有醜化中國的一絲可能,他們就不會放過這樣機會,帶著對中國明顯的意識形態偏見,扭曲、誇大,甚至不惜傳播謊言,什麼新聞道德,什麼新聞倫理,早就拋到了九霄雲外,爭相報導未經核實的假新聞,吃相醜陋。

Esa puta mamada que

🗣️🙅‍♀️ I will NOT drive myself crazy trying to love a man that knows I’m good to him. I will NOT lose myself in love again. I will NOT honor a cheating man again. I will not allow another man to manipulate me into thinking I am the problem and reason he does the things he does to hurt me.

fuck the past, it has me deranged, the drug has changed me,

goodbye. wish I could say this was fun. but you know it wasn’t. i hope you get satisfaction out of know how miserable you made me. how alone I felt. thanks for all the laughs and jokes. wish I could say I enjoyed them as much as you. and I love you. wish you saw that in time…before it was too late.

all this makes me think that it is my ex who tells me so many things 🥺

you are a very quiet and strange person, as much as you try to hide it I can feel an intense energy in you it is impressive

I know my energy is strong, the cemetery does not scare me


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