

Ask @mashh500

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So if you would get a chance to win million pounds... Would you give it to someone that is in need?

Yes ofcourse that someone is my self and I would help others

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Are you the type of person that holds grudges on people for what they did in the past?

I'm trying hard it's hard I'm trying not to but when people take your kindness and take the piss only way to not go back is to hold grudges but you don't feel good holding them

If you were given the chance to erase/fix all your mistakes in life, would you do it?

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJ
No it's created me to be who I am for the worse and for the better I have to live with the nastiest things I done the most beautifulist things I done and I learned to be a better a person you can't be a good person if you don't know bad, experience is better then wisdom with out the rain nothing will grow 🖤

You’re mad at the wrong person and you don’t even realize it

I'm probably am and forgive me for being lost I'm trying to see all till this day some days I feel like I just want to die but i know the fire Is burning and that's enough to live for

The ppl that died are direct karma for ppls actions towards me. All your ppl dying bc God is unhappy with you.

Not at all

What is stronger love or hate?

The question is not which is stronger then the other hate vibrates higher but doesn't travel far / love vibrates lower but lasts longer

If you knew your girlfriend was cheating and talking to other guys, how would you approach the subject, and what kind of petty revange would you plan?

No revenge just block delete she calls back on another number don't talk after you hear voice block delete again

💬 Controversial debates: Should the government have to notify people of sex offenders living in their areas?

Convicted rapist and child pedophiles yes
Rape is difficult because some people are fasley prosecuted and also pedophiles can be as easy a girl lieing about her age 16 is the legal age in UK but a 15yr old can lie to a 16 Yr old now the 16yr old life is fucked up
So we need to say grown ass adults convicted for minors and bang to rights rapist

Religion can be destructive to believe in. It can make you rely on a god to fix your mistakes and forgive them. No you need to do everything yourself.

Scriptures are misconceived god will tell you to work but its an holistic approach ex: exercising your humanity equally as your spirituality i can pray for water but if i don't look for water the next thing close to h2o is my urine or blood and I can't really use that to grow my plants to put in the work and pray

Is it weird to not post pictures of yourself all the time on social media?

No nor at all ounce you made a profile your set

if you spell sit in the tub s-o-a-k and you spell a funny story j-o-k-e how do you spell the white of an egg ?

a- l-b-u-m-e-n

Would you give your partner your phone password?

My mother ounce told me son don't set your self up to fail I didn't get it when I was younger but now I do


Language: English