

Ask @masonxdxd

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I am looking for a video u posted on ur twitter over a year ago when u played for eg. It was on vimeo. It was a compilation of images of poor living conditions/ and videos of furrys and other shit. If u hav a link to it that would be great, if not w/e. good luck w/ ur team, ill b rooting 4 you guys

Liked by: Grant Justus

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In last night's game vs. Team Imagine, why did you keep SnY when you had ~10k+ gold? I'm not doubting you, I've actually always respected your item choice, I'm just curious as to the reasoning. Anyways, keep it up man - I'm glad to see you back!

DrewMazzaro’s Profile PhotoDrew Mazzaro
Game should've ended 40 minutes ago. Doesn't really matter.
Liked by: Rayne

hahahahaha keep getting raped faggot loool. Team LVT not such a bad team now are they??

My team played poorly. I played shitty on Alch in game 2. We felt like we still outplayed them though for most of the series. They are a bad team, we're just equally bad I suppose.

Thoughts on Justin as a player? Is it true he's replacing CV and you're going through open quals?

Justin is like Yawar in the sense I think they both have a strong understanding of mid/how to play the game. Not entirely sure how their laning stacks up, which one is better, but let's be honest, if you're not sumail or rtz your laning hardly matters nowadays.
I'm very confident in Justin. He's a good player.
Liked by: mai

Thoughts on Alch in the current meta? Unknown first picked alch and went armlet/treads/mael/sny with good results, though it was against another T2 team. Do you think alch can be viable?

Alch is really easy vs people who have a lineup vs people who can't punish it or don't know how to play against it. I already know the build. I may pick it some time in the future, it's underrated for sure.

Why kick Clair instead of developing as 5?

Butted heads, didn't like the way he talked about Dota, didn't like his ideas, lost faith in him as a player. I'm his friend but at the end of the day I want to win as much Dota as possible and with him I just couldn't see it being possible to do well.

do u feel like justin's addition will make ur team stronger,cuz im not following the nA scene alot and have no idea how good this guy is?

Without a doubt. Justin is just as good as Yawar if not better. I'm extremely confident with Justin, something I lacked with Clairvoyance.

Would you say building mek on Weaver is legit? Most of the times u can get it by the 10th minute mark since u dont really need boots that much and then just transition in to a deso afterwards


Why do the high mmr mids buy a salve immediately after they get the first bounty rune?

Cause you need one? And even if you have an easy mid matchup some support could just come along and drop you to 100 hp and if you don't have a salve yet you have to AFK basically and miss CS.

no man the cogs scale 2/2/2/3 now. 4 points in cogs seem very suspect before 4 in battery. the clock against you yesterday went that build. Also loving your hero balancing suggestions of small pushes one way or the other not retarded things that leddit would want to do.

Looks like I'm a retard guys.

i think what really made a huge impact in winning you that series is that justin never went bkb on qop or gyro in all games

Are you fucking retarded? He went BKB on QoP and Gyro you god damn chimp.

is TA a good hero for measuring how talented someone is at dota as in if I clearly perform worse on TA than on other heroes then am I just fucking bad at dota with no talent whatsoever

Uh, maybe. TA is like a hero that isn't really hard to play or even master, but if you do everything well you can usually play TA at a high level. So yeah, maybe it is a benchmark of skill or some shit.

would a nerf to tusk be that only teammates can enter the snowball by their choice? for example, your teammate is in trouble and tusk is right there, he can't delay teammate's death by putting him in snowball while teammate is stunned

Up his mana costs. He was never picked before because his shards costed like 1000000 mana. Now it's nothing. Up shards by like 15 or something and he'll be picked less.

Where do gamers with our type of interests even go after Dota/LoL, the future looks like it will be dominated by mobile games and interactive movies. WoW is dead and most new Diablo-likes suck. Is anything coming out that looks good to you?

Who knows dude... We Die LoL?

is there any way to make timbersaw viable again? like aghs giving his pure damage skills going through bkb

Timbersaw is delicate. His weak point is he needs a lane and he has like negative pushing prowess. Doesn't really secure rosh either. He needs farm + can't take objectives very well. No stuns too. He's just damage with a weak laning phase that needs too much farm.
Best way to make Timbersaw viable is to make his chain have more range at early levels.

whats up with the 1 4 4 build on clock, that cant be right, right?

Not sure if that's a thing? I know putting multiple points in cogs is a thing though because you can break cogs in 1 hit @ level 1 making it very easy to escape.

did you play hon? professionally? if so how was your career in hon?

No but I had 2 accounts in the top 500 ladder of HoN in Beta (one was 1820 PSR the other was 1870 [well before the introduction of MM/MMR]) I never played inhouses and stuck to pubs. One of the names was CandyKong and the other was dgbasdf.
Was in High School and wasn't interested when I played HoN, just played for fun.

Why aren't there proper RO servers without shitty renewal anymore? Holy fuck renewal is so bad. And if you ever find a proper RO private server, hit me up so we can rek some kids in woe.

Karyl555’s Profile PhotoKary A. Lynn
There's plenty of private servers tbh. Plenty pre-renewal ones. They're just run by shitty admins or they're really pay-2-win. I only really play RO servers with my friends and since none of my friends are interested atm, neither am I. Tree of Savior though...

is CV really not that good he just played bad today vs jubei's stack in the ESL game?U were a monster tho,was really entertaining games,hope u can make it to nEw York ^_^

CV is a work in progress. He just gets flustered too easily and has too much of a pub mentality at the moment. I'm trying to reason with him and help him a lot. I sometimes am too hard on him, but I feel like I have to because he's very stubborn and doesn't want to admit his wrongs so I have to like shove "it" in his face sometimes.
Think with time he can become good, right now he's just decent with potential, but we all start somewhere.

people always said that u arent taking the game seriously and not want to enter the professional scene.Are u here to stay now with ur new team or u arent sure?

These next couple of majors I'm going hard. Replays, pubbing, excessive thinking about the game, etc. I'm motivated. It's not really about money either, although the increase in prizepools is nice, it's more like I just enjoy it and it's something I feel I'm good at, so why not? I'm ready to be a top player (I feel I always was but I'll have the attitude/work ethic of one now too) and compete.
Liked by: marshalloss

Pudge Buff? >Rot now deals pure damage. or >Enemies under the effect of rot have a 35% miss chance.

Think making himself take less damage from Rot and maybe buffing his armor by 1 is enough. He's supposed to kind of be a hero who goes in there and disrupts the flow of a team fight with his ult, rot, and his pure tankiness. Right now he's a one trick pony. Fog hooks or whatever. That's his gimmick. I don't know, if he was just a little bit tankier I think he could do better.

why is the nadota forum practically /pol/ with the topic of dota?

Nadota.com is dead. I don't really visit it anymore.

Do you like an bagels?

Yeah bagels are alright. I like plain bagels the most though, a nice, hot, crisp bagel well done is the best.

since you a real nigga, can you tell me why people overrate the euros who were only good at the game because of how much smaller the player base was 3-4 years ago?

Sounds like you already have it all figured out buddy!

Do you play/sit in your room with the lights on or off? If on, is it like a weak desk lamp or just a lightbulb or something?

Doesn't really matter to me. I can play with it pitch dark or really bright, I have no real preference.

do you follow any pro LoL teams? any teams/players that stand out to you?

Not really. Pobelter and Faker seem really good though.

Does LoL take more mechanical dexterity to be good at than Dota? ADC kiting is more intensive than playing Drow/Clinkz honestly.

I'd say LoL, OVERALL, is more mechanically intense. DotA is without a doubt the harder game though. It's not even a competition in my mind. They're just different games.
Liked by: Polka Dot

Can you give us an honest opinion about Ritsu? Like has he already shown he's worth the hype or will he have to face stronger teams to do so. Imo his game 1 vs DC showed how amazing he is. Thanks man, it's great to get answers from personalities you respect so much! MASON GOD

He's a good player. He's probably better than Yawar in terms of "new talent", but both of them are good.

hey man just wanted to say I'm a big fan, and I hope you get to play some weaver soon in pro matches, so sad that is he is awful right now

Eh, I think people just don't play him correctly. I think he can still be viable in certain lineups.

What prompted your return to competitive?

At the end of the day I'm a competitive person and Dota is a way to be competitive. Also I like the game so that's something.

fucken prison school is a great manga mason

Maybe, but I don't like the show that much. It's alright, the humor is really repetitive though so it got old kind of fast.

do you think you could play offlane or support in a professional team?

Offlane yes, since I play carry I know how a lot of carries think and I know how to/when I should protect my mid/carry. So I think I could have the right mindset. Support? I'd have to learn a lot more, I'm sure I could play support I'd just need a lot of time to watch replays from a different perspective.
Liked by: King Villamor

Thoughts on new NA C9 roster? Don't know much about the new players Ritsu & SVG , can you say anything about them/this team in general?

I think they're pretty decent. Ritsu and SVG seem really solid. Ravindu is my boy, he's got a lot of potential and he's already pretty good. He reminds me of RTZ tbh. I think that teams shoulders really rest on ritsu + mss.

what sorts of things do you do to help the environment?

Nothing really to be honest... I used to really care about recycling but I stopped. I guess I don't litter. That's a plus.

Was LoL simple to learn by yourself or did you learn on guides?

I mainly just learned from watching streams every once in a while and then applying the knowledge I had about MOBAs like Dota/HoN.

Bs vs huskar. Who win?

BS is very good vs Huskar because of the vision/movement speed, but honestly Huskar vs BS 1v1 is really easy for huskar.

Do you think you can become a LoL pro player ( LCS ) if you focused on LoL ?

Maybe, It seems easy to get noticed if you're a challenger (top 200) and I can get top 200 so...
Liked by: Raymond Rosales


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