
Mava G Jones

Ask @mavagjones

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How was your Thanksgiving?

Sucked I had to walk the freezing cold fell smacked my knee on the ground it started good though

Do you either love, like, not care about or hate pumpkin pie?🎃

Please don't bother me with feeble minded questions

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Why do I cheat on my gf if I’m genuinely in love with her

You don't cheat on the one you love I did and it was the biggest mistake I've ever made my life

I meant it all, I’m only crazy about u. I still love you

No you don't you love hill billy Jim dude in the over alls

do you text your ex because holidays are around the corner and want to be with someone?

There's only one x that I give a fuck about period biggest mistake ever made in my life but that's something that I got to live with

Do you remember the last thing you said to me? How do you think it made me feel?

I have to know who you are first to answer that question

Just know I'm ur creeping on me... Why won't u just talk to me? It totally would make a lot more since ur shutting me out and pushing me away...

Why are you being a weirdy

I lost you twice #, I lost you as a friend when if fell in love with you, and the second as a lover when we became strangers

Who are you then I'll be able to answer that question

Why do some people on here feel like the own this app and what you can post if they don’t agree. Reports get reviewed so why bother? And why bother threatening harassment of false reports? I know my new posts won’t be taken down but should I report these kind of people for harassment

What does this have to do with me

Tell me why you abandoned me after we spoke 1 year ago what did I do wrong?

A year ago only have one son so that's impossible to have abandoned another man

You have pride and ego issues but said I do. You’re on here still saying disrespectful stuff about me or how much you don’t miss me etc. there’s obviously some feelings still there. You’re just too proud to admit it or ever come back even as friends. I love you ya know☹️💔

Who the fuck are you coward standing behind an be app sensitive much I just don't agree with alt life styles witch is my right I'm not here trying to shove it down others throat I keep my beliefs to myself unless the topic brought to my attention from somebody else


Language: English