Ich lese immer wieder die Frage ob Du nach Deutschland willst. Denke uns beiden ist klar das die Frage immer einen Sexuellen Hintergrund hat. Wo möchtest Du denn Leben?
You got it all wrong, you’re the one who should get a life. I’m just minding my own business and you seem to be so brave to talk shit to me just because you remain anonymous. :)
Get a life man don‘t try to scam germans to get s free fly ticket
Firstly, fix your English. That’s a run-on sentence; you forgot to write the comma after the word “man,” to capitalize the letter G from the word “German,” to replace the letter “s” with “a,” and to write the period after the sentence. Also, wrong wording; instead of “fly” you should’ve wrote “plane” because fly is a verb and you’re supposed to be using a noun.Secondly, you won the olympic gold medal for jumping into conclusions. Congratulations. I would never scam someone to get a “free plane ticket” when I can buy my own. I know I can be a slut at times but I would never stoop that low just to get freebies. Also, if someone would offer me a free plane ticket, I would never allow that as I hate it when people pay for my expenses.Thirdly, you seem to underestimate my intelligence regarding my competency about language. Among other languages that I know, the only reason why I understood German was because of my cousin who is living there. I had no choice but to learn it if I wanted to understand her. Though I do admit I’m really not that fluent.Fourthly, “nihao” is the Chinese word of “hello.” Do you honestly think that I’m Chinese? Forget it, that was a rhetorical question. I know I’m from the continent of Asia but that doesn’t mean I’m Chinese. Get your facts straight about Geography because that’s honestly embarrassing even for you. Also, your prior question was offensive for the Chinese people; they don’t talk like that.Lastly, I appreciate your concern regarding my “scamming” of the German people. But I honestly don’t give a fuck about your opinion. As you have said: get a life. If you have a problem when people from Germany are asking me questions and how I’m answering them, then block me—see if I give a fuck. I answer their questions since this is ask.fm, a social media platform wherein you answer other people’s questions. This is the digital age, people from all over the world can communicate with you. I’m mostly not a bitch but you’re really testing my patience.Goodbye :)