

Ask @mayaflorez

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Friends in each class?

1- Kate Tara Georgia jack Zach Michael dosym carter I love everyone in that class
2- Jordan Aubrey Bella Desiree Kayla
3- Paul jack McKenna pearl McKinley
4- Anna George Vanessa
5- Kate Tara Isabella jack Isaac Paul lots of people
6- vivenne Kendall Cosmo Grant Michael
7- James Blaise Isaac Courtney Sophie Heidi
Sorry if I forgot anyone!

I have never met you but I saw you today and u are so pretty like dude your face is perf from every angle and you are so stylish u should be a model like duuuuuude so pretty

Awe thank you
Liked by: BrunoGaloNaVeia

10 facts about olivia f

1.she feels the need to shower 100099 times a day for 100099 hours and take baths until her hair is soft
2. she loves to surf and is good but isn't a butt about it
3. I always make her food because she likes it better when I make it
4. she can't eat fruit from anywhere and like nobody can touch it
5. She hates strawberries like even the word
6. she like to decorate her room a lot
7. She was a asain baby
8. she looks up to her sister a lot
9. very picky she has to be in the right mood to do whatever and she has to plan things or she gets stressed (she gets stressed easily)
10. she is the most unique person you will ever meet with a very genuine heart she cares about people a lot.
I love you O-dog

alright then what about 1st-4th?

1st -Georgia Michael jack
2nd - Aubrey and Jordan are my buds Dixon too tierney
3rd - Paul jack Mckinley McKenna are my buds
4th -I have nobody

people in your classes that you want to be better friends with starting from 1st period to 7th period

Wayy to many people

no what kids in your grade

Ooo umm I can't think of anyone I miss, I miss people who I was closer with when we went to kent


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