

What is a skill you’d like to learn and why?

How to manage my time and money in the most efficient way possible because I’m a busy (kinda) and broke college student.

Latest answers from LELE

tes pakek perawatan wajah apa? kok mulus gak pernah ada jerawat

Mang pernah ketemu? I reckon I haven’t posted any of my picture here. My instagram and Facebook are private too. So you might be someone I know or someone my sister knows. Why don’t you just ask me personally? Wait I just realised that it beats the purpose of ask.fm. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

centil gimna??!! HAHAHAA

Kyk pake baju nya rapih loh ama cutekan rambut pun Di perhatiin skg udh pake make up udh improve makin cantik. Pokoknya udh bs jd cici beauty blogger dehhhh HAHHAHAHAHAH

Language: English