

Latest answers from Mike

Random thought for today💖🌹

lil peep looks like the love child of pewdiepie and justin bieber

Where are you from?

Originally? A pair of hairy nutsacks. After that? Out of a loose pussy hole.
Oh, then I lived in a shitty country called Australia for 22 years.

Would u trust the stranger?

I guess it depends on what. Do I trust a stranger to make me a sandwich? Yes. Do I trust a stranger to do my taxes or raise my child? lol no

Goodnight beautiful ♥️💕💖🌹 people (that's YOU 💐 reading this message).

hey buddy that's kinda gay but thanks!

Girls are fcked nowadays, coz they would only wanna go for you if you got money.. I’m now gonna pretend to a girl that I got money so she can fck me, then I won’t pay her shit.. I bet it’ll work😝😋😁😏

Maybe stop thinking with your dick and things will stop seeming fucked. If you want to fuck a whore, go fuck a whore. If you want to fuck a woman, maybe treat her right first, fucking incel.

Any general advice?

Don't feel ashamed about loving yourself. Self-love is much healthier than self-loathing.

How do you like to celebrate your birthday? 🎈

I don't really. Being reminded that there's people thinking about me is always nice, but it isn't necessary. That's about it. :]

Do you have fear in your head?? How long your fear lives there???

I suppose everyone does. I wouldn't say I'm necessarily scared of a whole lot, but there is a lot I hope to prevent from happening. I could accept any outcome in life, however.

Language: English