
Mirna Allsayed

Latest answers from Mirna Allsayed

What to write with chalk on the asphalt under the windows of a loved one?

Your heart should know, if they are truly lover by it.

I won’t dare ask for your insta bc ik you would say...no. 🙄 Like all the beautiful girls do.

How did you find this account, anyways?

Why do you only have one picture up?

Because this account is not for my pictures. That’s what Instagram is for ((:

In your opinion, what book should everyone read?

In my opinion, there is not a single book that has been written in this lifetime that is suitable enough for everyone’s taste

What made you smile today? P.S. Don't say nothing, you don't have to wait for anything to make you smile! 😉


Whats your definition of hard luck? ?

Hard luck, to me, is when the universe permits you space to amount to the destiny of your desire but due to a certain goodness of will and purity of soul, you refute what you know yourself to need in order to fulfill the greater good.

Do you believe people can be changed?

People are constantly changed through experiences, ascensions and descents, and an awakening of perspective. The human soul and mind are infinite forms of consciousness that never hold themselves to a state of stagnancy... they are on a constant quest to evolve and serve their fullest potential... so yes, I do believe that people can be changed. However, people do not change in nature, but in their manner of execution and presentation alone.

Language: English