
Secret Space

Ask @mirror9809

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B and her bf(T)hv been together for 4 years, but B is not rly love T anymore, T loves B so much. T is gonna marry her. There’s a guy(J) who like B n B likes J too, but J may go to the uk for a year. J drinks, smokes, has many girl frds. T treats B literally da best! B stay w T/ be w J?

J really love B? The secure problem need to be solved when j and B comes together. If B don’t love T just let him go. If I were b, I will try to figure it out. What is love and what I need? Dont be the selfish ppl. Be true to the ppl who loves you. And be true to yourself.

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問大家個問題,當自己廿幾歲仲拍緊拖既時候,吾知大家有無諗過實際上自己想幾多歲先結婚 P.S需要真實講出自己既想法就得,感謝🙇🏻‍♀️ 希望睇到時你地會認真回應🙏🙏🙏


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因為個男仔覺得自己配個女仔唔起 所以用反方向去對待嗰個女仔 其實好虐㗎 個男仔本身冇乜自信 然後個女仔又恨鐵不成鋼

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