
♥ Hamza Carter ♥

Ask @mizooublal

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Ta deja eu un soudain mal de tête après avoir mangé une bouchée de glace ou boire une boisson froide ?

toujours !!

Plus deux personnes sont amoureuses, plus parfaitement elles se suffisent et se veulent seules à l’écart dans la solitude.

Possible !!

انا معارف والو نعم الاولاد زوينين و لكن الوالدة كبرات و عندها 48 عام يعني الحمل يقدر يكون مؤثر عليها او تقدر تولد شي ولد عندو إعاقة و ثانيا الاب و الام كبرو الوالد شد تقاعد يعني ميقدش على ولد صغير و تربية ديالو ، ولدونا حنا و كبرنا

khaliiha alla mollana !!

3andi 20 ans o lwalida 7amla alors que 3andha 48 ans, que faire stp , meme lwalid mabghach

Ah hadik 9odrat allah o sa3dattaaakom biha ana makrahtch ikon andy des frères petits wallah hhh
félicitation pour vous mosabakan ;)
Dommage annonyme :))))
Liked by: Daniel Vișan

Préfèrerais-tu prendre un bain de soleil ou rester à l'ombre pendant les chaudes journées d'été?

Peu de ceci et de cela

أيام مملة.. مستقبل مجهول.. نوم غير منتظم.. أحلام تتراتب تحت الوسادة و هكذا تمر الأيام

fiha kheeeer :) !!

Advice me

Rule 1: Life is not entirely fair and you have to accept and get used to living in the circumstances in which you live
Rule 2: The world does not care how much you respect yourself or how you see yourself: everyone will expect you to accomplish something and play a role before you feel proud and proud.
Rule 3: You will not be able to earn an annual income of $ 60,000 when you graduate from high school. You will not occupy a high position simply because you are a respectable person. You will not get a car unless you work hard and find a job and a luxury car.
Rule 4: If you think that your teacher is strong and violent and that his continuous requests exceed your capacity, do not rush to rule and wait until you have a manager.
Rule 5: You do not think that working in hamburgers and dishwashers is a substandard job. Our grandparents and fathers and people in poor countries still yearn for such a job.
Rule 6: If you sin and fall and become confused, know that sin is your sin, not the fault of your family or parents. Instead of crying and scolding your luck, learn from your mistakes.
Before you were born, your parents were not as boring as you think now. They have become too expensive for your studies, the price of your clothes is beautiful, and you are growing older. So before you start saving and changing the world and saving tropical forests from destruction. Protect the environment and get rid of the negative in the world, first start cleaning your own cabinet, and rearrange your room.
Rule Eight: Your school may have gotten rid of the best and the bad guys together, but they are still everywhere. In some schools, the degree of repetition has been abolished. Students are given more than one chance to give the right answers, which they will not enjoy when they go out to work. Sometimes, only one chance is given.
Rule 9: Life is not a series of consecutive classes, you can not spend every summer on vacation, and business owners like teachers will not just be there to help you. You have to help yourself and accomplish all your work at the expense of your time.
Rule 10: The life we see in film and television is generally neither realistic nor real. In fact, people do not spend all their time playing, vacationing and sitting in fancy cafes, but they have to go to work and production lines.
Rule 11: You have to respect your classmates and friends in study, research and writing day and night. You may consider them crazy and eccentric, but they will be more willing to face life and may end up working for someone.

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Penses-tu que de nos jours que les garçons sont plus féminins et que les filles sont plus masculines?

malheureusement oui !!
Liked by: khadija

3lach lbnat kyflertiw binathom o3ndhom 3adi ?

سببه قلة الوعي وسوء فهم الحداثة والتقليد الخاطئ والسيئ بالغرب مما يؤدي الى ظهور مثل هذه الاشياء في مجتمعنا. نتيجة تخلف البنية الفكرية والمجتمعية والتربة لم تكن صالحة لنمو الحداثة في هذا البلد عموما
ورحم المغفور له الحسن الثاني على مقولته : “إذا كان المقصود بالحداثة، القضاء على مفهوم الأسرة، وعلى روح الواجب إزاء الأسرة، والسماح بالمعاشرة الحرة بين الرجل والمرأة والإباحية عن طريق اللباس، مما يخدش مشاعر الناس.. إذا كان هذا هو المقصود بالحداثة،فإني أفضل أن يعتبر المغرب بلدا يعيش في عهد القرون الوسطى على أن يكون حديثا”.
Liked by: Rite

رحم الله من ظنّ بنا خيرًا❤ وغفر الله لمن قال فينا ما ليس فينا💛 وستر الله من وجد فينا عيبا فٰستره💚✍

rahhalrahhal2’s Profile Photoجمال جمال
amine !
Liked by: khadija


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