

Have you ever tried developing games, if so what tool/engine did you use and did you ever finish it?

i haven't ever touched a game making tool. i often contemplate it but i have don't get that much time on the internet / laptop & have a lot going on with the little time i do get. if i did decide to start, i'd probably go with gamemaker or ags (there's so many tools to pick from nowadays).
it may happen one day if i stop playing & curating other folks' weird videogames.

Latest answers from steve

Do you see as many cool freeware devs now as there were ~5 years ago?

Mr_Tedders’s Profile PhotoJord Farrell
I see more. Oceans more. It swells my heart up thinking about how many don't get noticed by anyone.

What is the ultimate goal or purpose in your life endeavors?

i have absolutely no idea. i play and sometimes (occasionally?) signal boost small, weird videogames which is a completely inconsequential thing to do within a larger frame. i am an atheist. i work an unqualified, lowly paid, factory job & will never be wealthy. it would be nice to be a little more comfortable and secure but i have no wish to live a wealthy lifestyle. all i can hope to do is live out the rest of my life in peace with the love of my beautiful partner.

Hi, im nuuup and i want to make a game for the next tbb, can i ?

Nuuup_Gamesssss’s Profile Photonuuup
i thought i told you that you could already. :-] whatever the case, please do or i can choose one of your existing games.

What's your workflow like across the spectrum of a project?

AllPurposeDJ’s Profile PhotoDJ Greenfield
pretty chaotic honestly. i work during the week so most of whatever i decide to do is accomplished on weekend mornings and like most folks, i get distracted and demotivated.

Hi! What was the most formative/important game that you played growing up? That most affected you, turning you into the guy you've become.

tough question. going through all the videogames that i thought of as favourites as a child: rick dangerous, robocod, magic pockets, final fight, flood, turrican II. while it would be fair to say that these games played a part in shaping my taste in videogames, they played absolutely no part in shaping me (or my attitudes) as a person. they were "fun" & little more.
i think if there was anything linked to videogames that actually had a part in shaping my attitudes, it would be when i became tired with the flood of first person shooters and the increasing trend towards "reality" that they attempted. it made violence and guns in particular, especially unappealing.

Do you like persistent online toy/puzzle/things?

i like cryptic puzzley type videogame things even if i can't figure them out for shit. i'm slowly warming to sandbox-type things.

do you like autechre, aphex twin, boards of canada, or any other weird electronic music in general?

i adore some aphex twin and a few chemical brothers' tunes. i haven't heard of the others you mentioned but i don't really keep up with media in general.

What's your best tip for getting your game noticed outside the "mainstream" media?

it can kinda be pot luck in some respects because there is just so many folks making games for various game jams and the like. having a twitter account and letting guys like chris priestman and tim w know you exist is a good start and just knowing how to get into contact with them and the folks over at indiegames dot com.
on twitter, interacting with other folks that make small games can be helpful if your genuine about it and don't spam them.
there's no sure fire way to get your game noticed.

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