
Mostafa Saad Ibrahim

ممكن أسالك حضرتك أزاي بتقدر تنظم وقتك بالكفائة دي يعني حد زي حضرتك مشغول بدكتوراة واكيد شغالة معظم وقتك ومازال عندك جزء من وقتك بتقدر تساعدنا بيه وانا معنديش 1% من مشغولياتك ووقتي بيتبخر ؟

- I sleep 7 hours per day.
- I start my day with Werd from Quran. Followed by 30-45 minutes a religious lesson, probably listening to something while preparing breakfast for my family :)
- PhD is like work. You need like 8 hours per day. If you can be productive in these 8 hours, you don't need to spend more.
- Those who can't get work done in 8 hours, have to work more :(
- You have to do some reading about productivity. I use trello tool.
- I back from work and work as freelancer. I cover around 12-15 hours weekly in some job. Normally work 1-2 hours in working days and cover remaining hours in weekend.
- I have family and baby boy, belal. With little art we learn from Islam, we can put little time to family but they be so happy with it. Others can be in home for whole day, but as if they don't exist.
- So my normal day is predefined: Go work. Back home. Launch and little time with family. Work 1-2 hours. In some gabs, I may answer some questions or put some slides to some new topic in my Algorithms Series.
- Normally, I have like 8-12 hours free each week. I use them to learn some staff that I had weak scientific background. I try to put sometimes to help others. This is "Zakah" on science and Allah like that.
For you:
- El ekhlas lelah - Al 3azema - zakat el 3elm - so2al Ellah El Barkah
- Learn some simple technique for time management and apply them. Here is 1 simple way:
PLAN 1 DAY only
- everyday before sleeping, determine all your activities to do tomorrow
- write them, when expect to do, the assigned time for that
Helpful guidelines:
- STICK to schedule.
- NEVER do more than ONE thing at a time
- Stop notifications (Facebook, Gmail...etc).
- Never check facebook in start of day. Check it at night, better not every day
- Check email 3 times only: Once at morning, Mid Day and before sleeping
Finally LOGGGGG what u actually did in the next day....before end of day...compare what u did...with what u planned to do...analyse it....discover ur mistakes...solve them
FACT: if u can't plan a day..u can't plan more

ازاي نكون مخلصين لله فعمل هدفه دنيوي اصلا.. أنا السؤال ده حيرني كتير

Language: English