
Marbelys F

Ask @mvrbelys

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why does love hurt

because no matter how much you know the person can destroy you, you will still love and stay with them. Because that’s what love is, it hurts you!

I've never felt so old in life till I noticed everyone on here is either a teenager or in their 20s. So the 30s is the new senior? If so, how can I claim my elderly check?

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
30s is not elderly, you’re still very young. People are fucked up in the head if they think being in your 30s is being old.

Do you think you’re more of a feeler or a thinker?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I think I’m more of a feeler because i feel more and think more with my heart, which leads me to situations I could’ve avoid just if I was more careful and didn’t let myself go like that!

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