
Dyn | IG: beautywithdummy

Ask @navartierre

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Dyn kamu aslinya orang mana

Kalo dilihat dari tempat lahirnya ya gue orang Bekasi. But I'm Javanese by blood karena orangtua gue asli kelahiran Jogja semua. Mereka cuma migrasi kok di tahun 92. Banyak temen gue yang kaget dan heran juga waktu gue ngomong pake bhs Jawa lol they thought I started speaking in Javanese since I started university but no, I've been speaking Javanese since I was born so yeah...

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tips LDR dong

Wah gatau gue ga pernah LDR-an.
Mungkin nanti kalo udah berasa LDR pas gue harus balik Bekasi dan pisah sama Eri :"

Wishnya di bulan september

Apa ya.
Semoga dilancarin urusan kuliah dan kegiatan di Sanggar aja sih. Semoga kelas HKD A yang diampu pak Andi Sandi ga bikin jantung gue kelojotan karena sejatinya kelas jam 7 dan wajib ketemu Andi Sandi tuh bukan kombinasi yang bagus yha soalnya nyawa belom kekumpul tapi otak udah dipaksa buat kerja keras meladeni "keusilan" dia di kelas nunjuk mahasiswa out of the blue buat jawab pertanyaannya. Terus semoga acara latsar maba-maba 2015 Sanggar bisa berjalan lancar sampe akhir dan semoga mabanya ga ilang-ilangan.
...semoga langgeng sama Eri juga hehe ❤

If you were stuck on an island and only could have one person with you, who would you choose? Why?

Him. Definitely him ❤
If you were stuck on an island and only could have one person with you who would

Selamat pagi sebelumnya, ingin menanyakan pertanyaan random, apakah seorang wanita harus memiliki table manner yg bagus kalau lagi sama pacar? atau semua itu tergantung '"pada tempatnya"? Maaf kalau pertanyaan kurang menarik, maaf kalau ada tutur kata yg tak rapih. happy sunday!

byanmoehara’s Profile PhotoByanmoehara
Kalo menurut gue sama Eri sih, pokoknya ya selama pihak yang satu nyaman-nyaman aja sama kelakuan si pacar ya ga peduli tempat juga sih mau gimana table manner-nya. Asal ga sampe yang bikin orang lain jadi ngerasa keganggu aja sih. Misal gue sama Eri kan sama-sama blangsatan. Gue punya kebiasaan ga bisa nahan sendawa, bahkan kadang suka kelepasan pas masih di atas meja makan. Eri juga kayak gitu. Gue ga pernah ngelarang dia atau cerewet soal kebiasaan sendawa dia karena gue sendiri juga kayak gitu HAHAHAH. Fair-fairan aja. Dia gabisa cerewet soal table manner karena gue juga ga cerewet soal table manner-nya dia. Mungkin faktor di mana kita lagi makan itu lumayan pengaruh ya tapi what do you expect from me and him? Kita remedial banget kalo urusan manner wakakakak~

hha kok lo bisa nyangkut sama orang kyk eri sih

He's a good person. He cares for his friends and his family. Even though yes, I know, he's such a lady-killer for the past 20 years and has the worst Javanese curse ever, that doesn't mean he's a bad person. I have seen his life through thick and thin, how's the relationship between him and his family, and how he treats his friends... I have seen them all and one conclusion I can take is he's a bad boy of the society but the good boy in the family. You gotta see how he jokes with his parents, they're so adorable <3
And yeah, there's so much more than just meets the eye.
Ordinary person won't be able to see that side of him~

ciee gimana tuh ditembaknyaa? cerita dong!!

Tanggal 30 Agustus, hari Minggu, gue sama anak-anak Sanggar pergi ke Imogiri buat survey daerah latsar kita nantinya. Harusnya gue ga ikut soalnya emang nama gue ga ada di list nama-nama orang yang ikut. Tapi Eri "maksa" buat ikut walaupun pake acara malu-malu tai kucing. Akhirnya gue ikut. Selama survey itu udah makin berasa aja deketnya setelah sebelumnya seminggu terakhir kita jalan bareng terus. Waktu mau balik ke kota, kita ngelewatin rute ke arah bukit bintang tapi lebih tinggi lagi, tempatnya persis kayak bukit bintang tapi lebih romantis hahahah. Terus dia nyeletuk aja, "Nanti kamu aku tembak di sini ya" sambil nyium tangan gue. Padahal di mobil ada Iyon sama Oscar tapi kayaknya mereka juga ga denger karena kaca mobil lagi pada dibuka demi bisa lihat pemandangan soalnya emang cantik banget. Tapi seenggaknya gue denger apa yang dia bilang. Gue pikir becanda. Pas udah sampe Sanggar lagi, gue bilang ke Eri gue laper lagi ngidam makan di Lokal. Yaudah cus kita ke sana. Baru deh di sana tiba-tiba bahasannya sampe ke what we were doing selama ini, kenapa jadi tiba-tiba deket. Sempet mempertanyakan status juga dan gue bilang sama dia gue ga perlu buru-buru ditembak kalo emang dia belum siap. Sesuatu yang diburu-buru itu ga pernah baik soalnya hahahahah.
Besoknya gue jalan lagi sama Eri ditambah beberap partisipan (lol) demi nemenin Clay yang turun gunung abis KKN soalnya besoknya dia masih harus naik lagi ke Gunung Kidul. Waktu itu kita berlima nonton Inside Out dan buat gue sama Eri itu udah yang kedua kalinya. Nah pas di tengah-tengah nonton film itu dia nembak. Dibilang bikin deg-degan pas nembak sih engga, gue malah ngerasa keganggu karena dia ngomong di tengah-tengah adegan sedih gitu kan eek juga ya. Jawabnya juga cuma gitu doang pake ketawa ketiwi dikit terus udah balik fokus nonton lagi.
Gada feeling excited sampe yang over gitu sih. Palingan cuma bikin senyum-senyum sendiri karena pada akhirnya gue bisa melepas status jomblo gue selama 19 tahun.
Tapi yang ngakak sih dia abis itu ngomong, "Cie, kamu beneran ngira aku bakal nembak di bukit bintang ya? Hahahahahah."
Huh. Untung sayang.

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ka pap chat sama ka eri coba

Eri suka gemes tiap gue keluarin jokes-jokes garing yang jayus gitu hehe ya maaf ya gimana lagi gue kan emang receh kayak ginian aja pake ketawa sampe satu kosan bisa denger dulu...
ka pap chat sama ka eri coba

dinda jadian sama eri?

Yeah :) Baru ditembak tanggal 31 kemaren. Seneng deh akhirnya bisa ngelepas status jomblo selama 19 tahun. Banyak yang kaget kok kita bisa jadian karena gue memang bukan termasuk tipe ceweknya Eri kalo merhatiin dari deretan mantannya dia yang "megah". And I know he's such a dick dan orangnya blangsatan bangsat. But I love him all the way. I can accept him for who he is, thank's to one year of a very solid relationship as a best friend. That's why I prefer to fall in love with my own best friend. Because I can learn about his past dan semua bangsat-bangsatnya dia tanpa ada yang ditutup-tutupi.
Many people doubt us.
But I choose to stay anyway.
*giggles again*
dinda jadian sama eri

Pap sama dharma dong kak

After searching through the entire folder, I finally found one. This was taken during our second theater played together on the same stage last March 2015 called A.Y.O to celebrate World's Theater Day. It was one hell of a very successful mini theater we had <3
Pap sama dharma dong kak
Liked by: moondust

What is one thing that happened in your life that without it happening, you would never be where you are today?

There was one moment where I was sitting on my way home from Srengseng back to Bekasi and I was slipping in and out of my consciousness because it was pretty late and I had to go to school first thing in the morning. I eavesdropped my mom's conversation with our chauffer about how our cousin just missed a chance of her interning in the embassy. Such pity because everyone knew she was capable of it and was very qualified for the job. Me and my cousin shared the same liking towards many things. And she had always been my role model. So when I heard that she missed it out to work on the embassy, I told myself I'd make it happen for her.
That dream of working in the embassy has carved my path somehow. If it weren't because of that dream, I wouldn't be in law school right now. I wouldn't take Social major in my high school. And I wouldn't practice my English this hard. Because of that conversation that night, I am here now.

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Siapa? Anak fhugm atau anak sanggar?

Hai haha maaf ya kmrn yg jawab pertanyannya bukan gue tp temen gue. Dia iseng aja.
Gue gatau asli doi udh ada gebetan baru apa blm soalnya ga pernah nanya dan ga tertarik buat tahu juga :/ Dharma gets close to many girls anyway so it's hard to say whether he already has a new crush or not. Why don't you ask him yourself?

pap sama oscar dong

Ini diambil dr Snapchat waktu gue pagi-pagi jam 8 diculik paksa sama Oscar Eri buat ke Boyolali ngambil drum sama hihat atau apapun itu namanya dah.
pap sama oscar dong

Pap dong kak koleksi lipsticknya please :( lg pengen beli lipstick tapi bingung yg manaa

Ga ada koleksi lipstick, lipstick gue cuma satu, beneran deh. Gue bukan tipe yang suka splurge on make-up stuffs sih. Ya mungkin belum aja. Sempet gue post beberapa hari yang lalu sih... Ini doang lipstick gue, gada yang lain.
Pap dong kak koleksi lipsticknya please  lg pengen beli lipstick tapi bingung yg

hai kak gimana ppsmb kemarin jadi pemandu? seru tah?

Seruuuu bangeetttt. Sebetulnya dari awal banget waktu masih fresh jadi Gamada, gue udah kepengen nyoba buat jadi pemandu di PPSMB 2015. Dan awalnya sempet gajadi karena ada perubahan peraturan kalo pemandu cuma diambil dua orang tiap perwakilan LO/LSO buat tahun ini. Terus habis itu tiba-tiba dapet kabar kalo fakultas buka oprec buat pemandu, dan akhirnya gue apply. Walaupun akhirnya gue dialihtugaskan jadi cofas, tapi tetep seru banget. I love meeting new people dan nambah relasi baru apalagi sama adek tingkat. They're so fun and unique!
I'd like to welcome my kids with the warmest greeting. Welcome to FHUGM!
hai kak gimana ppsmb kemarin jadi pemandu seru tah

kak kalau aku suka sma cwok tpi dia cuek ke aku, mending pertahanin apa tinggalin?

Gatau ya. Whenever you're making a PDA move with someone, you should always set your own time so when she/he doesn't seem like into you, it's time for you to walk away and move on.

Is there a story behind your profile picture? What is it?

Itu selfie waktu udah kelar acara open house kemarin, gue udah harus buru-buru balik ke kelompok gue buat penutupan PPSMB dan foto-foto sama maba pastinya wkwkwk. Oscar udah rapi pake sweater lagi, guenya masih pake kebaya sisa kostum lol.

yah jomblo ya?

I don't see the point of being in a relationship (yet). I've tried but I can't even see myself being attached to someone else like I'm a property. I've seen many weird relationships and what happens to broken-up couples even after they have spent years together, and it scares me. Many times I feel like I've found "the one", but when logic kicks in, I start walking away all over again and I forget that thought.
Liked by: ratih siswanina

Tips biar gak gampang baper

Most of the time we all get baper because we use our heart. Namanya juga baper = bawa perasaan, kalo gamau baper ya jangan bawa-bawa perasaan. The easiest way for us to not get baper easily is to think using our brain. Or should I say, using our logic. Kalo yang gue pernah denger di radio sih, orang baper/jatuh cinta itu kerjaannya cuma benerin hal-hal yang salah. He doesn't love you, that's clear and everyone can see it. But you refuse to acknowledge the fact karena lo udah keburu baper. So you start messing up with your own feeling and creating signs that were never there since the beginning. Using your logic to think will save you from getting baper because the logic is always sane, in my opinion. It's really easy. You just have to stop listening to your heart for a moment and let your brain do the action.

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Liked by: Yeojadeul~

percaya gak kalo cewe sama cowo gabisa sahabatan?

Duh, seriously. This is 2015. Nothing is impossible.
I'm a girl, I've been single for 19 years, and I proudly say that I have more boy-friends than girl-friends. Sure, there are times when I feel baper towards them but that's because they're so protective to me and caring like they're my own brothers.
Your statement is totally invalid.

hai kak lagi sibuk apa ?

Dua minggu terakhir ini lagi sibuk sama persiapan PPSMB fakultas, tampil rancak, sama open house sanggar aja sih. Tiga itu aja tapi sibuknya minta ampun karena semuanya event di saat yang bersamaan. Udah beberapa hari terakhir ini selalu keluar kosan jam 9 pagi dan baru balik jam 10 malem karena padetnya latihan dan rapat di kampus. Capek sih, apalagi jam makan gue semakin ga teratur. Gue jadi skip jadwal jogging karena waktu yang biasa dipake jogging dipake buat latihan rancak.
All in all, I've been really busy. But I'm loving it.

how are you?

Lagi kesel aja.
Pertama karena KRS gue yang semakin nyebelin karena gue accidentally membatalkan sebuah kelas yang kuotanya ga nambah-nambah dan harusnya gue ga usah pusing-pusing lagi karena kemaren gue udah dapet itu kelas. Sekarang harus gue ambil lagi karena keputusan yang gue buat gegabah. Nyesel aja sekarang masih harus ngurus dua kelas lagi. Bangke.
Kedua. Harusnya gue hari ini pergi jalan sama temen. Tapi dia batalin dengan alasan dia sakit. Somehow gue bilang dia bohong. Terus dia tiba-tiba ngajakin makan jam 12. Gue iyain aja. Padahal katanya sakit. Eh sekarang udah jam setengah dua juga orangnya ga nongol-nongol. Dua kali cuk. Dua kali gue diphpin. Tapi yaudah lah. Bodo amat. Gue kudu ngurus KRS gue dulu.

kak gimana kalo masih sayang mantan tapi dia udah mati2an kyk mau ngejauh?

Dek, yang namanya mantan jangan disayangin. Kalo sayang ya jangan dimantanin.
Gitu kok dibikin susah ya rabbi...
Liked by: Nochu

Mending nunggu orng yang kamu cinta atau pergi cari yg baru?

You know what, instead of just sitting and doing nothing, why don't you move yourself?
What is it with waiting for the right guy to come along? If you want something so badly, fight and go for it until you get it. If you think it's not worth it anymore, then leave and move the fuck on. Don't complicate things when it's simple already.

kamu menikmati hubunganmu sama oscar yang kayak gini ?

Kayak gini gimana? Temenan?
Yeah. This is so much better than being in an open relationship like how we used to be. Sekarang kita sama-sama lebih terbuka satu sama lain and we even set some agreements to "protect" ourselves. We're not afraid to show our bangsatness (is that even a word?), we don't have to feel butthurt whenever one of us gets close with someone else. We still tease each other and call each other with babe, hun, shay, and other stupid cheesy nicknames but we always play along. Nobody gets baper and we're so much happier and closer this way.
By being friends ;)
See? Having a deep friendship with a boy you used to love isn't always a bad idea.

Hal terlama apa yang kamu pernah lakukan tanpa tidur sama sekali?

Gue pernah satu waktu tidur cuma tiga jam. Worst day of my life because I get grumpy when I'm sleepy. Waktu itu lagi jamannya ospek fakultas dan karena ada tugas tambahan harus ngerjain tiga essay dalam waktu sehari tanpa ada koneksi internet, gue cuma bisa sempet istirahat tiga jam, itu juga tidurnya sejam doang karena saking capeknya sampe susah tidur.

will you date your sibling's best friend?

I will date anyone who wants to be with me, not ashamed of my behavior, and has an interesting personality. I don't care even if it's my sibling's best friend because you know, by then I don't have to find a way for my brothers to adore my boyfriends to get their blessing.

fav movie apa? tipe yg berkaca2 liat film sedih ga?

I love animation movies. Mystery and biography movies.
Hell yeah gue nonton Jurassic World kemaren aja nangis gara-gara liat Brontosaurusnya pada mati. Waktu nonton Transformer: Age of Extinction juga nangis karena Optimus diserang bertubi-tubi sama banyak musuh. I'm easy like that :"

din, balikan sama oscar ?

I am so done with this kind of question where people ask me about getting back with him every single time I change my display picture with him or post something on my Instagram with sweet caption related to him.
First of all, Oscar and I have come to an agreement that we're better off as best friends. I told him not to "memantanisasi" me because technically, we were never together. So he doesn't have to feel like I'm his ex. Because I'm not. It's just so I can still upload photos with him, talk nice about him, and he can't be mad at me for that, as long as he's single. I mean, if he had a girlfriend, I wouldn't do that. But he's still single, so I have all the right in the world to post photos or videos with him.
Please stop assuming about us. We are never getting back together. And that's final.

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knp ke kampus nga bawa mobil aja ?

As much as I really want my father to send off my car here so I can drive it safely even when it's pouring really hard, I always find some reasons not to do that. First, my mom still needs it. There's no motorcycle left back in my house so the car is the only vehicle available for her. Second, gue ga pinter ngurus mobil. Gue juga mikir pasti kalo bawa mobil ke kampus ribet musti cari pakir, itu juga kalo dapet, kalo ga harus parkir di lembah yang jauh. Bensin juga mahal dan gue bakal keluar duit lebih karena kebutuhan bensin motor sama mobil kan beda ya. Third, it's getting crowded here in Depok dan lama-lama jadi semacet Jakarta and I hate it. Semakin banyak kendaraan yang keluar tiap harinya dan semakin penuh. Ga jarang kok gue ke kampus jalan kaki biar ga kena macet.

Kak biasanya baju yang di post di blog itu juga kaka pke ke kmpus ? Apa buat di blog doang ?

Biasanya ada yang diganti sih. Like, ootd yang gue post sebelumnya kan pake mini skirt gitu ya, ga mungkin gue ke kampus pake itu soalnya kan gue naik motor. Tapi emang atasannya dipake ke kampus. Jadi ada elemen yang diganti aja buat keperluan blog just because I feel like it looks much better with skirts. Ya ga semua yang di blog dipake ke kampus sih, kadang cuma asal dress up aja trus jepret sana sini abis itu upload, atau ga ya dipake pas lagi jalan sama temen.

would you make the first move?

Sure. I mean, why not? As much as I remember, I have always been the one who makes the first move when it comes to dealing with boys I like. I don't just sit around and wait and do nothing. I give them hints, of course. They should be obvious because I don't want them to misinterpret me. But in the end I always leave the choice out for them to choose. Take it or leave it. I've got nothing to lose.

Kak aku sedih deh I am surrounded with girl friends who have big boobds :( Banyak yg bilang dadaku tepos banegt kadang bikin aku minder huhu -___- What shud I do???

Bersyukurlah karena punya boobs yang besar itu ga selamanya enak. Having small boobs has its own perks loh. Gue ambil contoh, mine is considered big (lol). Kadang kalo belanja kemeja gitu suka sedih soalnya muat di badan tapi suka ga muat di bagian boobs because they're just too big... Trus kalo pake baju yang ketat dikit selalu ngerasa risih karena it feels like they keep popping out from my body poking the hell out of everyone hu :"( Seringnya juga kayak sebetulnya ga maksud buat showing the cleavage but because they're naturally big jadi dikit-dikit suka keliatan cleavage gitu padahal mah kitanya biasa aja -_- Sebetulnya permasalahannya sama aja kayak those with smaller boobs. Ga selamanya punya boobs gede itu enak lho. Repot. Dan sering risih sendiri karena they're effortlessly driving attention. Gerak dikit, mantul-mantul kayak bola. Trus ntar dirasani sama anak-anak cowok ugh...
But either big or small boobs has its own perks so I guess you just have to be confident with what you've got and find the beauty in small boobs :3 Having smaller boobs won't make you any less cuter than your friends!

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kak #top15playlist dong :-)

Sebetulnya udah sempet dipost di IG tapi tulis ulang deh soalnya ada lagu baru masuk playlist heee... So here goes mine, in no particular order:
1. Isyana Sarasvati - Tetap Dalam Jiwa
2. Yiruma - May Be
3. Against The Current ft. Taka - Dreaming Alone
4. Jason Mraz - The Woman I Love
5. Years&Years - King
6. Years&Years - Eyes Shut
7. Years&Years - Take Shelter
8. Kate Miller ft. Passenger - Share Your Air
9. James Bay - Let It Go
10. Jessie Ware - Say You Love Me
11. Years&Years - Ties
12. G.R.L - Ugly Heart
13. Passenger - Circles
14. Passenger - Caravan
15. The Vamps ft. Demi Lovato - Somebody To You

What do u think in a relationship, better sama pasangan yg berbeda dr kita biar bisa melengkapi, atau sama pasangan yg banyak kesamaannya dgn kita? :)

Errr cocok-cocokan aja. Kalo kesukaannya beda kan bisa saling eksplor dan belajar hal baru satu sama lain. Kalo sama-sama have interest on the same thing juga enak kan jadi makin bisa melakukan sesuatu bareng-bareng. Tinggal tiap individu aja cocoknya gimana.
I personally swing both way sih.


Language: English