
Dyn | IG: beautywithdummy

Ask @navartierre

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kamu kalo pas selfie gitu suka dicie2in jadi minder ga ?

Haha ga ah, ngapain minder. Minder mungkin kalo itu diri gue beberapa taun lalu dmn gue a huge wreck of shy ball in cruel world called the society. Gue yg skrh udh ibaratnya urat putus malu. I'm still so young, gue gamau jd pribadi yg pemalu because it will bound me to nothing. I built my confidence long time ago, and make sure I live with no regrets
Take selfies all you want, people who "cie2in" you are probably just jealous because they're not as cool and confident as you B)

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as much as i know you (from your blog and @/taoreumdaun) you often buy this and that,... so tell, how do you keep up being both fangirl and blogger for all this time ? it takes a whole lot money right? and you said youre not one to hold yourself to buy stuffs :$

HARD. IT'S REALLY, REALLY, REAAAALLLYYY HARD. Gue sedih soalnya manajemen uang gue jelek banget padahal duit juga masih minta sama papah mamah :c Being a blogger makes me shop more and more, cannot miss any eye candy being shoved by my favorite brands and all, slowly I turn into that girl in Confession of Shopaholic, orzzz. Belom lagi urusan fangirl yg dikit2 SM ngeluarin apalah gue gatau tp bikin gue remes2 bantal guling pengen beli T^T Jujur pengeluaran tuh gede banget buat both shopping and fangirling, I wish I could stop myself from clicking those "check out" button omg :((

are you chinese? cos you speak chinese quite well

H A H...?
Bagian mana yg dari hidup gue yang bisa bikin lo mengira bahwa gue Chinese... I don't have any Chinese descent in my blood, for I am a quarter Greek. Can't you see my obvious double lids? Of how tanned my skin is? If you can guess my ethnicity from the language I speak in social media, people would have guessed me as an English lady from years ago instead~ Lagian juga Mandarin gue abal2 banget. Gue cuma pernah terjun langsung ke conversation asli sama Chinese girl beberapa kali doang bisa diitung jari so I'm still lack of experience and for saying "I speak Chinese quite well" is exaggerating, really

What color socks are you wearing right now?

I never wear socks and I don't like collecting socks (even the cute ones), it's uncomfortable for me :c If it wasn't because of school I wouldn't have any socks right now. I only have white for everyday school sooooo yeah...

lol i know garis bar itu kyk intonasi ny kan? hahaha okay tq btw

Iya haha garis bar gue tadinya gatau mau nyebut gimana maunya bilang "garis bawah tapi di atas"........ Agak bodoh sih. Tp trus gue inget istilah garis bar dr mtk buat rumus nyari mean itu Sita sering pake istilah "x bar" lolz
For once, math saved my pride

bio mu itu kalo han yu nya gimana bacanya?

Gue gabisa nulis pronounciation yg bener kalo diubah jd pinyin soalnya keyboardnya abal tp itu "pujie" buat kata pertama. Di 'u' sama 'e' ada garis bar-nya (tau garis bar ga?). Buat kata yg kedua cuma "hahaha" doang~

whats the meaning of your bio

"Fuck you! Hahaha"
(no I'm not swearing on you) (that's the real meaning)

its funny how you dont follow anyone on pinterest yet you still get bunches of ppl following you eekkkk

Ye that's the thing I want to know as well. Idk I just don't find it important to follow anyone in Pinterest because I can pin from anyone's boards and fill my pin collections without following them, so following anyone is unnecessary~ I love pinning in Pinterest and browsing pictures there is much easier than in WHI (I used to be so active on WHI, but then their system got really messy and I moved out). I love seeing my pins getting lots and lots, and that number of following remains zero \m/
Liked by: Adeayu Hadijah SM

What kind of person are u in studying style? Did you just go to study when you know "in mood" ooorr you did that as a routine?

Sebetulnya pola belajar gue tergantung dari apa yg lagi mau gue pelajarin. Like, terutama buat subjek bhs Inggris, itu hampir seminggu kalo ditotal gue bisa belajar sampe berjam2. Gue kan tipe2 yg pengennya cuma belajar subjek2 yg emang gue bener2 butuhin buat kehidupan gue nantinya (walaupun literally semua pelajaran itu penting...) (deep sigh), tp personally kalo bhs Inggris kan emg udh passion jd gue belajar bhs Inggris ga pernah dibawa suntuk. Kalo buat mtk sendiri, gue kadang dua hari sekali itu total 4 jam belajar doang, agak ga nentu sih. Bisa dibilang tergantung juga soalnya gue kebiasaan kalo mood lagi jelek terus dipaksa belajar yg butuh konsen tinggi malah jadi ga fokus dan ga masuk otak jadi kalo mtk biasanya ya kalo lg santai aja atau tiba2 ada pikiran "ah bosen, belajar deh" gitu. Sisanya buat subjek apalan2 kayak sosio / eko / geo itu antara H-3 ujian biasanya omg. Soalnya gue cepet inget cepet lupa
Yang pasti sih gue bukan tipe2 yg belajar tiap hari. Otak bisa ngebul. Kalopun ada yg dipelajarin tiap hari itu juga cuma bhs Inggris haha~

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Cita-citamu waktu kecil?

It's a bit far from what I have in my mind currently, but believe it or not I had this silly dream of being a veterinarian when I was still studying in elementary school. I really, really, wealleyy love animals especially cats. My dad knew that and he planted this 'dream' of his wildest fantasy seeing me as a veterinarian. Almost in any chance he would say to his colleagues that me, his only daughter, would end up being a veterinarian. Now that I'm thinking about it, being a doctor (regardless what kind of doctor it is) is really hard. Then when I eavesdropped the conversation between my mom and our driver, my whole life quickly changed from wanting to be a veterinarian to be an ambassador :)
Liked by: Adeayu Hadijah SM

Huhu gue gara gara lo jadi kepo sama EXO :(

Wah seru sekali ya. Coba gue bisa punya mesin waktu terus main ke jaman2 gue masih sangat stereotype tentang kpop biar gue bisa membuka mata gue lebih cepat haha. But you haven't met my hyung-ah tho. You gotta see her in real life. She possess such energy that can absorb your whole consciousness and drag you down to the dark side of the world called K P O P~
Jangan lupa klik http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exo_(band) ya sekian dan terima kasih <3

Thoughts on Kyungsoo (D.O)?

I can't say much since he's like one of the two members I least pay attention on orzz ;___; Seriously I don't have much thoughts on him because aside from his act on interviews and backstage cuts (like in Mnet Wide etc), I only see him as a cold city namja (he looks even colder than Kris) (or should I say, "manlier"?). But anyway, his appearance on Showtime didn't even turn the tables of my thoughts on him. He can be really cute at times (he laughs at Zitao's girly screaming in eps 11 and that's very cute of him), and friendly (him taking pictures of Zitao at the bus in Namsan eps), or just randomly stupid and submissive (him while cooking with Jongdae). But I'm afraid of him, tho sometimes the thoughts float away when I see him having interactions with Zitao or any other M members. He's unpredictable, and that's like the biggest reason why I'm scared of him ;3;
Idk maybe if I learn more about him my view will change somehow~ This also valids for the other K members because omg I just can't understand why I'm hardly find them amusing??? My eyes are all on M T^T The only K member I keep up with is Baekhyun (because he teases Zitao every so often) and Sehun (because him and Zitao is the duo troublemaker magnae) (and noisy too). If I happen to be interested with someone from K, there must be something to do with Zitao he's like my gravitation in EXO and my ship revolves around him bye.

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Liked by: N

Capricorn or Aries.. are you?

You know, Google is always your best friend. People who are born between March 21st to April 19th signed under the Ram. Capricorn is like the other way around, it's for people born around November and December, no? (my childhood crush was born on December) (he's totally a Capricorn) (yep) (the only reason why I remember Capricorns)

you speak chinese ? :o

Lol only the very basic conversation. Mandarin has the same tenses like Indonesian thus it's easier to form a sentence in Mandarin. You just like combine all the words and put a particle somewhere either at the beginning or the end of it and voila~

Tell me what I should do with my life. I'm not good at anything and I'm not social. The littlest things get to me and I'm so insecure about my body so I can't be confident about myself. Sports is my worst subject and I'm even starting to slip academically. Please help me :'(

"When you feel like breaking apart, and you've got fear of falling, just look for the silver lining."
When I'm having my downfall (why ofc there are days like that for me) all I ever do is sleep it off. I assume you're pretty much stressed out (and worn out too) from the way you write this message. I don't think talking to your friends about this would help, but it's always worth the shot. I think you need someone to talk to, not just virtually but in real life. I used to be so insecure about my body too, but then I decided to be beautiful in my own way. You can't change what God has given to you. The only option you have left is to rejoice it. Never mind about your body, if you have a good inner beauty, people will fall for you eventually :)
I'm also bad at sports, tho I do swimming and badminton sometimes. I pretty much believe it's not your worst subject, possibly because you just haven't found your muse there. And it's okay not to find your muse there, it's always O K A Y. It's not something you have to worry anyway (well, not in my school) (that's like the subject which everyone hates lmao). You gotta find other subject that catches your interest and focus on that instead. Everyone can't be a super student, right? Grades are just numbers, focus to your study is the only way for you to get good grades. Set your own goals, because that's what I do. If you have an idol, make him/her as your ultimate goal because having it that way often motivates me to study harder
Socializing is all about contact and communication. I can't suggest you any when it comes to this, really. Because I wasn't that good either. But I realized I couldn't stay like that forever. I had to go out of my cocoon and that's exactly what I did. I stopped being so shy and went all out in every chance on public. I decided to be so, so, sooo good that people will have no reason to ignore me!

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Liked by: N

Kamu pernah diejek ejek gitu ga sama temen di sekolah gitu kalo kamu punya blog ?:/ Soalnya aku kayak gitu haha jadi lama lama gara gara mereka aku jadi males nulis lagi ....

Honey if you keep listening to their norak comments, you'll be nowhere! Gausah pikirin apa kata orang2 tentang blog lo, blog itu tempat lo buat berkreasi sebebas mungkin dan bisa jadi diri lo sendiri. Biasalah orang2 Indonesia kebiasaan kalo ada sesuatu yg baru atau belum pernah ada sebelumnya di lingkungan mereka kan kayak komentar2 mulu. Biarin aja, they are NOT worth your time, not even a single damn. Justru harusnya lo lebih mamer ke mereka kalo lo punya creative space di internet, ketimbang anak jaman sekarang yg cuma bisanya sok2 ngikutin jaman bikin account socmed yg lagi booming, cih. Personally buat gue dunia blogging itu aman, karena biasanya cuma orang2 yg emang suka nulis yg tahan blogging. Booming atau ga, kalo emang dasarnya orang itu gasuka nulis pasti lama2 ditinggal ;) So cheer up, bae! Anggep aja komentar2 mereka kyk angin lalu. Gue kyknya pernah diungkit masalah blog tapi kyk muji gitu mereka (haha) (dan tbh gue masih agak shy shy cat gitu sih). Justru harusnya lo seneng krn temen2 lo pernah main ke blog. Lo harus tunjukin bahwa dari blog itu mereka bisa tahu lo lebih baik lagi ^^

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Make a list of your top 10 favorite things

1. Laptop
2. Hard disk (walaupun udah ga punya...)
3. Headset
4. S H O E S.
5. C L O T H E S.
6. Specs
7. Bubble tea
8. Instagram
9. Fancy cars
10. Nail polish ;))

bloging dari kapan dado ?

Kalo pertama bgt kenal sama dunia blogging, itu pas taun 2009. Jd gue lg baca majalah GoGirl! punya sepupu dan di situ ada corner namanya RATED: STYLISH yg isinya fashion bloggers (re: fb) dan tiap edisi ganti. Waktu itu gue lg baca profil fb Claradevi Handriatmadja (she blogs at www.lucedale.co) dan langsung suka sama tampilan blog dia yg vintage vibe-nya ketara banget. Brown everywhere, fashion tastenya keren, gue kagum soalnya selera dia meskipun vintage bukan vintage yg abal2. Bukan retro, tp bener2 vintage dan kak Clara bisa konsisten sama gayanya for being an old lady-like teenager :) Dari situ gue jd makin sering main ke blog dia, trus main ke blog temen2nya, trus makin luas sampe ke bloggers internasional. Akhirnya gue jd pengen bikin blog dan taun 2009 mulailah kegiatan gue sbg blogger ^^ Tapiii gue sering bgt ngerombak blog. Blog pertama gue msh alay dan akhirnya terpaksa diapus krn isinya aneh bin ajaib. Bikin lg yg kedua tp eror di sistem URL jd susah diakses somehow. Akhirnya blog yg skrg msh dijalanin, Vivid Dreams, itu insyallah jd blog terakhir aku haha ;D VD sendiri lahirnya taun 2012, dgn tekad dan konsistensi buat nulis s e m u a postingan dlm bhs Inggris without exception. Ga setengah2 bhs Indo, tp full bhs Inggris :D

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blogging susah ga sih ? gue mau nyoba tapi kayaknya susah....kalo ga ada yang baca sedih TT

Haha nooo, blogging is reaaaalllyyyy easy! ;D Kenapa susah? Susah dimananya? Blogging itu kan salah satu creative space lo di dunia maya. Tergantung sih tujuan utama lo blogging buat apa dulu. Gue sih emang suka nulis, dan dari blog gue bisa kenal banyak temen, bahkan dari yg bukan di Indonesia. Punya blog juga ngelatih gue buat terus nulis pake bhs Inggris karena gue mau cerita gue sehari2 bisa dimengerti sama dunia internasional ^^ Blog itu ga bakalan ada yg baca, kalo lo ga main2 ke blog orang juga. Gimanapun caranya lo harus bisa kasihtau orang2 bahwa lo ada, lo exist di dunia blogging :)
Go make a blog and start writing like crayzeh! xoxo

Is tao really close with Kris? Kris really cares a lot for tao? Especially when the members made tao scared and he will be angry with that person? But he doesn't look like on exo showtime.

Kris itu menurut gue tipe2 cowo kikuk yg gatau cara bersosialisasi yg baik dan benar ala Rasul /plak. Doi jodoh bgt sama keadaan awkward dan bahkan ngobrol sesama member aja kadang jatohnya masih sering awkward. So, kemungkinan menurut gue Kris ga care se"gitu"nya sama Zitao on screen. Dia lebih kyk sosok kakak waktu off screen. Lagian juga dari awal baca fact2 kyk gitu gue sih ga langsung percaya kalo Kris beneran segitunya sama Zitao haha paling cuma kyk becandaan doang dan sering dielu2kan member lain jadi kebawa sampe on screen dan fans mulai make up "facts" gitu, padahal sih sebenernya biasa aja. Lagian juga kayaknya Kris udh lelah sama Zitao yg kayak babi banget :c Gue aja capek...
"Junmyeon, kuserahkan tanggung jawab padamu..." - Krease

Lo gasuka ditanyain tentang cinta cintaan ye

Ya terserah sih gue mah woles2 aja. Cuma kan ga enak kalo jawabnya asal2an pdhal emg pd dasarnya gue ga berpengalaman. Ya ibarat lo nanya gue buat ngendaliin pesawat gimana kan gue ga pernah nyoba. Bedanya ini orang curhat dan mungkin butuh pendapat. Gue gatau kata2 bisa membantu apa ga but I wanna try. Cuma ya itu dia, kalo masalah percintaan tau sendiri gue jomblo dr lahir....
Tapi kalo mau nanya ya nanya aja gpp gue observer yg baik kok :)

Kak masa aku punya temen yang kalo spazzing ribut banget soal otp dia :(( trus ga suka kalo otp dia kayak di pecah gitu iih nyebelin... menurut kak nav gimana

Haha gue juga punya temen kyk gitu. Kadang malesin sih tp yaudah ga gue gubris. Gue kan tipe2 yg "ship anyone with everyone". Gue walaupun mother shipnya Taoris, gue mendukung penuh Taohun, Taohan, Taoho, Krishan, Krispy Lay, Chentao, Baektao, etc etc. Gue seneng liat anak2 gue bergaul sama K terutama buat Zitao soalnya dia kan aneh ya haha kyk tipe2 anak kampung main ke kota uvu Becandain aja "Kan EXO we are one" trus lo shove dia pake video2 yg nunjukin bahwa otp dia ga selamanya harus sama yg itu2 aja ^^

Is it real that exo-m and exo-k will break again and every part will the songs with their language and own video like in history

Masa perasaan gue malah bilang SM bakal nyampur aduk M sama K kayak di album MID lolz. Ah nyebelin klo kyk gitu gue lebih seneng jenis2 vocal di M soalnya. Trus pronounciation K kan jelek bgt Chinesenya gue tbh lebih prefer kalo balik jaman MAMA tp udh terlanjur suka konsep promosi ot12 :(

If you could meet Tao in person, what would you say to him?

[insert Chinese subtitle here]
Yeah. So... gue gatau kenapa gue bisa kepincut sama lo dari pertama masuk fandom EXO. Ketika semua orang takut sama perawakan lo yang dark and mysterious, gue justru menemukan permata di situ. Awalnya emang cuma ngeliat dari tampang, tapi terus gue mulai nelusurin masa2 lo pas masih jadi trainee dan kehidupan lo bareng Kris-ge dan gimana lo terkadang merasa mau give up karena tekanan for being a Chinese trainee. I know we've never met each other, dan mungkin bakal ga pernah ketemu, tapi gue merasa attach banget sama lo. Layaknya gue care buat kakak gue, tiap lo nangis pas nerima award, tiap lo meringis gara2 cidera, tiap lo jatoh keserimpet dari panggung, tiap lo lompat kesana kemari sama Baekhyun di SMT, tiap kata "谢谢" yang lo ucapin di setiap encore, ah... gue sayang banget sama lo. Gue ngerasa ada feeling to protect you from the rude world out there. You're so innocent, too precious for a lame world called the entertainment. Gue pernah nangis loh liat lo nangis. Gatau kenapa pokoknya gue ngerasa kita attach sekali. Gue ikut ngerasain bangganya jadi fans lo tiap lo maju di any kinds of interviews or showcase your wushu skill. Gue ikut deg2an tiap lo ngerap karena ada secercah doa dari gue biar lo bisa makin improve rapping skill lo. Gue tau banyak di luar sana yang juga ikut ngerasain perasaan gue buat seorang HZT. Tapi di sini gue kyk kesepian gitu haha, soalnya banyak yg mandang lo sebelah mata, dan ga jarang juga yg cuma bilang Zitao debut krn tampang (pdhal kamu jelek) (ah aku becanda bby) (tp kamu ga cakep) (ga jelek juga). Gue seneng lo bisa bergaul sama anak2 K, gue seneng karena lo ga takut jadi diri lo sendiri meskipun udh debut, lo sama sekali ga ngilangin sisi innocent dan honest lo :) Thank you so much for staying true to yourself. I will support you until the end of your career, and even the aftermath. Pokoknya gue sayang banget sama lo haha dan gue harap lo bisa kurang2in cocky sama tampang bitch pls lo, kalo lo senyum lo cakep banget ga boong... Terus berkarya ya Tao, inget lo masih punya mimpi buat jadi aktor di layar lebar! Perjalanan lo masih panjang, baik2 di EXO, jgn pernah males latian dance, dance lo masih ale2 gausah sok2an bisa wakakak xD Aku sayang Zitaaaaooo! <3
[insert Chinese subtitle here]

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Din kalo gue liat lu orangnya asik dan baik yak haha

Aaa... t-terima kasih... /stutters\
Yak selamat anda adalah orang kedua setelah Uwit yang bilang gue baik, dan orang kedua setelah Tiara yang bilang gue asik selama 18 taun perjalanan hidup gue. But I'm sure you haven't seen the real me irl. Gue orangnya jahat lho, trust me. Gue cuma baik sama orang2 yg gue anggep bakal ngaruh banget di kehidupan gue. Eya tapi ga segitunya juga sih. Gue bersikap baik sama orang karena pengaruh keluarga yang Jawa banget dan gue orangnya suka yang ga enakan kalo mau jahat. Sering overthinking soalnya gue menempatkan diri gue di sosok yang mau gue jahatin itu :/ Well, thank's a lot if you think I'm kind. Gue berharap gue bisa jadi lebih baik lagi /deep bow
As for "asik", gue gatau referensi lo asik dalam artian apa tapi gue orangnya ga asik dan boring haha. I have 4 different layers in my life and each one of them differs from the other. Gimana gue di rumah, gimana gue di sekolah, gimana gue di luar rumah dan di luar sekolah, sama gimana gue di socmed. Lo mungkin baru liat layer socmed gue. Dan gue mungkin ga seasik itu di irl :/ I would suggest you to rethink about that thoughts again tho~
Thank's anon, you just made my day <3 xo

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will exo have their comeback together again?

Hopefully ya. Setelah sebelumnya sukses dengan konsep ot12 kayaknya sih kecil kemungkinan SM ngerubah taktik comeback mereka. Kalo pake ot12 lebih meraup keuntungan soalnya, dan bisa bikin yang dulunya fans M atau K doang jadi lebih kenal sama semua member. Ya penerawangan gue sih gitu

Do you treat your body like a Temple or more like an Amusement Park?

Kayak open book... yang siap nerima berbagai jenis ilmu yg bisa gue serap dari dunia ini

hi Nava! just stopped by to tell you I love yr new layout! : ) mind if i use yr blog as inspiration fr my blog ? thx beforeee

Awww didn't expect the reaction to be like this! >< Why you guys never show up in the comment section at one of my blog post? It's easier to check your thoughts (and you don't have to be an anon too!). Sure thing, my blog design itself is inspired by Tricia Gosingtian's tumblr ^^ It was started by looking at her simple header and the clean overall look of her tumblr. I can't help not to love it! Don't forget to tell me if you've finished with your blog, I'd love to see the result! xx

do you know any exo fanart blog, tumblr or something like that? can you list it here? :D i really need it >.<

Orz can't link you any because I only find fanarts from my tumblr dashboard and I never bother to check the main source :c Also you might wanna check Pinterest (my Pinterest tbh, there's a special board for EXO's fanart). Usually the pictures have the url source, you can start looking from there

does exo member have facebook account? i've found sehun but i don't trust it since i heard that they've to deactive their fb and twitter account after they debut.

I'm not even sure those boys can use technologies nowadays (except Zitao) (cuz he's my baby)

"The boy who cried wolf" is a item shop of exo right? well if it is, can I buy online stuff from that shop?

As much as I know, BWCW was a limited edition store and had been closed for a few months now? :/ You can't order anything from that damned place anymore baby boo~

Kai can speak Chinese or not?

Haha I don't think the Korean members can actually talk in Chinese ;D It's a bit unfair for me because whenever they go to China and have an interview there, they still need the help of translators :/ When M go for a show there, I have to hold the disappointment of seeing Minseok and Jongdae in silence and barely speaking. Minseok is a quiet type already, how come he would speak in a language he barely understands?? I just hope that SM can give Korean members more class for Mandarin because they aim for both China and Korea market and to be able to speak in both is really needed :|

Have you ever bought something on the internet?

Beli tas, baju, sepatu, aksesoris, mostly fashion stuffs + kebutuhan fangirling

What is exo's first box?

Google is your best friend, honey~ It's more like a compilation of their 2 years career from debut stage until now. Are you going to buy it? Oh I hope I could. I have no money I'm so poor and I still have to make a priority list of which one needs to be erased :c


Language: English