
Seeking Truth

Ask @need_luv

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Scenario: You're in the middle of the ocean. You can only save one person, Who do you save your friendship or your relationship

Fuck'em both-i'm doing me, tired of being lied to cheated on and stabbed in the back by both

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Party or stay-in?

Stay in and practically beg for attention from my lady who obviously has zero interest in me...only other men!!

You’re either scared of love. Or scared that I might hurt you and make you want to do evil things.

You can't hurt me!

What do you hope will be different for you by this time next year?

I'm hoping she will be home and we are fully committed and married

Are you in a relationship?

I feel as tho I am, but honestly I'm not sure she feels the same so I can't accurately answer that really


Language: English