
Kim André Akerø

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Hva er påbudt mote idag?

anettele’s Profile PhotoAnette Christiansen
For et par måneder siden ville jeg sagt munnbind (da disse fortsatt var påbudt enkelte steder), og dette burde fortsatt være populært på trange sammenkomster, som ombord kollektiv transport i rushtiden.
Ellers vil jeg nok heller si at valg av klesplagg er stort sett situasjonsbestemt.
Og motevalg er (eller bør være) basert på personlig smak/stil.

Fineste navnet på en søster eller bror?

anettele’s Profile PhotoAnette Christiansen
Hvis jeg utelukker mine egne søsken, samt de som er søsken i min nærmeste familie, så synes jeg Hanna (med forskjellige variasjoner) er et fint navn.

One night stands or a relationship?

I might be okay with a one night stand, but I'd much rather prefer a relationship.

Summary or winter ?

I prefer the summer around where I live (Norway). If I were to live elsewhere in the world, it would depend on the general climate of the area.
Given the choice of a perfect-weather day, I'd say: Sunny at 15-20 C temperature (or 20-25 if overcast), slight breeze. Maybe a slight drizzle of rain during the night to cool things off (and to help vegetation grow).

Bastue med eller uten klær ?😄

Det kommer an på hvor komfortabel jeg er med de andre som er i badstuen med meg. Helt bar (ev. kun tildekket av håndklær) tror jeg at jeg bare tør med noen jeg allerede er intim med (f.eks. partner/kjæreste/elsker/osv), og ellers vil jeg sikkert foretrekke å minst ha på meg truse eller badebukse/-shorts, altså underdel.

Bruker du våtdrakt som badetøy?

Nope. Jeg har aldri brukt våtdrakt, eller gjort aktiviteter der våtdrakt brukes.

Put your music on shuffle, what are the first 3 songs that come on?

Muse: The Void
ABBA: The Day Before You Came
OK Go: Oh Lately It's So Quiet

Was macht man an einem Regentag?

I prefer to stay inside (if I have a choice), and watch some movie, TV show, or online video, depending on my mood.

Hattest du je Probleme mit der Polizei?

Not really. At the most, I've been questioned on the street as a witness or as someone who vaguely fit the description of someone they were looking for in the area, but that's about it.

gute Lieder?

I consider myself somewhat average when it comes to singing. I've received compliments on my singing voice, but it's nowhere from the level of a professional singer.

Kaffee oder Tee?

It depends on my mood. If I'm trying to wake up or stay awake, I usually go for coffee. If I'm trying to relax, I sometimes go for tea. If I'm visiting someone, I sometimes pick tea only if I'm not the only one getting tea - otherwise, I'd take coffee.
And as for how I take it: I prefer my coffee with milk (around 20% of the cup) and/or chocolate added (mocha), and I prefer my tea as-is (no sugar or milk), but I do add honey to my tea if I'm having a sore throat.

wer wärst du gerne in einer Band oder was stellst du dir vor wer du bist wenn du musik von deiner Lieblingsband hörst (schlagzeuger, Bass, Solo oder Gitarre, sänger?

I like to imagine myself as the singing bass player.

könntest du dir vorstellen mit jemandem eine Beziehung einzugehen, den du nur aus dem Internet kennst und noch nie zuvor im echten Leben gesehen hast?

It's quite possible, yes. But I would like to have talked to them face-to-face (either in person or via online video chat) at some point, at least before sharing too-intimate details about myself.

Drake oder One direction?und warum?

Drake, I suppose. I don't really care for either's music, but I guess Drake is the "lesser evil" in this case. Pure boy bands and girl bands (as in, nobody plays an instrument, band members only do choreographed dances) just make me cringe.

Isst du gerne Fleisch ??

Sometimes I do, sometimes I have non-meat options for dinner. It depends on the day.

Xbox or PlayStation?

Nintendo, mainly, but I'm not massively against the other consoles. My gaming console history:
NES (the 8-bit Nintendo original)
GameBoy Color
PlayStation 2
GameBoy Advance SP
Nintendo 3DS (both the original and the new edition)
Nintendo Switch

Wenn du ein Lied hörst, welche Instrumente gefallen die am besten?

I usually gravitate towards bass and drums, depending on the song.

Auf was achtest du beim anderen Geschlecht?

Based on those I've previously had and currently have a crush on, I don't seem to have a specific type. Hair color, ethnicity, etc don't seem to matter to me. As long as she has an attractive face (to me), is all-natural (as in, no unnecessary plastic surgery), she's in her 20's or 30's, and we have similar interests, I'm down for giving it a try. Also, that she's interested in me, of course.

Was haben Liebe und Essen gemeinsam?

They are both satisfying, and warms your heart if you can find the right one for you.

Bist du genervt, wenn jemand mit den Fingern knackt oder mit einem Kuli klickt?

Fingers, yes. Pen, usually no, but it depends how much they are doing it.

Um welche Uhrzeit gehst du normalerweise schlafen?

Usually an hour after midnight or so, even though I really should go to sleep earlier (before midnight).


Language: English