

Latest answers from nitesh1ft

Should you smoke tobacco while pregnant?

You shouldn’t smoke at all period but especially not if you’re with child. You are paying (throwing money away) to degrade your health and likely shortening quality of life. But if you want to do it or like doing it just please stop using until you have your baby.

Do you have a New Years resolution in mind?

mtaubs_fitness’s Profile PhotoMichael Taub
Not really. They often don’t work. Better to try and make a change you want when you think of it. Rather than wait for the new year to do so.

How did we go from almost having a child…? To having nothing but hate for eachother ?

Wow. That is a crazy swing. High highs to low lows. Curious to know what caused the split? Was it cheating or a disagreement? Or no comment.

She wants to be in a open relationship because she wants to sleep with girls what do I do

Do you want to be in a monogamous relationship or open. My opinion is it may work for a bit. Or work but if you don’t feel on board with it. Say it.

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