
noladita arliana

Latest answers from noladita arliana

aku d malang kok masihan. tapi d pondok. hehee nola d surabaya ya? asik niih. lebaran mudik? kasi pin doong.

JqRamadhani’s Profile PhotoIbnah Jo
Ga libur?
Kuliahnya yg di sby tapi rumahnya masih di lawang wkwk
mudiknya habis lebaran 😂😂😂
Aku ask aja ya :)

Minal Aidzin wal Faidzin semuanyaaaa. Maaf kan Qonita dan keluarga kalo misal ada salah2. Salam ke Mama Papa Ibuk Bapak Abah Umik di rumah yaaa. 🙏🙏👋

Minal aidzin walfaidzin mohon maaf lahir dan batin juga ya qonita :)

nolaaa follback. apa kabar?

JqRamadhani’s Profile PhotoIbnah Jo
Sudah ya zaki :)
Alhamdulillah baik :)
Kamu sendiri apa kabar? Btw kamu sekarang tinggalnya dimana? Ga pernah ke malang?

What's the most important lesson you've learned in life?

The more you know, the more you know that you dont know :)

kak nola bagi dong es gremnya

Ini dike ya? Wkwkwk
Nanti kita makan es cream aja pas kkn wkwkwk

What was the best thing you ever found on the street?

This one! Me love it so much!
Jadi baper kan huft huft 😳
What was the best thing you ever found on the street

What was the last song you sang out loud to?

You sayyyyyy i am crazy
Cause you dont think i know what you've done
But wheeeennnnnn you call me baby
I know i am not the only oneeeeee

how's your day?

Well mine is pretty good :) baru nyoba songir dan suka sekali <3 thanks to mba aje yg merekomendasikan wkwkwk
Btw thankyou for asking!
So how about yours? :)

Language: English