

Latest answers from chickenputty

if it has been a month since my last staff app, but not on the exact day will i get auto-denied?


I got perm-forum banned (YOU ALREADY KNOW WHO IT IS ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)), I was wondering what would happen if I won the voting? How would I receive my redeem code?

You won't.

Are there any mods that do behind the scenes work or is it administrators/seniormoderators/developers only?

Moderators handle appeals, reports (in-game and out), bug tracking, and communicating with players outside the game. It's not exactly what Admins and Developers do, but it's a ton of work.

why did i get deny for advbuilder.

If whoever evaluated the thread didn't leave a final post before denying it, the posts above it probably are the reasons why.

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