
cant even

Ask @not_a_hoe

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If you could choose a different time period and place to be born, when and where would it be?

I am a muslim black woman. Now isn't a good time,but any other time other than the beginning of time is bad for me

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What are some things in life (can include your future wants/needs) that you will not compromise on and why?

Bank accounts. You aren't going to tell me how to spend my money. Uhm, id have to think about the rest

If you have any pets, do they have any habits that irritate you? If you don't, what kinds would you eventually like to have?

I don't have pets

Which one would you rather have .. a lifetime of nightmares evey night or a lifetime of it being almost impossible to even fall asleep no matter how tired you are?

Almost impossible to fall asleep. There is room for sleep there. There is a guarantee for nightmares with the other option

Some advice for those who wanna be better?

You can't change until YOU want to. Nothing is going to stick otherwise

Can you leave your native land and move to another city for the sake of a loved one?

I am moving inshallah soon so yeah, i totally would

Have you ever preformed any shows/acts for an audience?

Yep. Fer years in a row either at graduation or talent show

Is it possible to cross a bear with a cow? ???

I don't know that the offspring could live long. Theoretically, probably. You could use ivf or something to get one or the other pregnant

How do you handle stress??? OR stress handle's you???

Stress sucks, but I deal with it pretty well. Mostly through grunting

If you were going to be stuck on an island with three celebrities, which three would you choose?

Idk. Probably people on survival shows


Language: English