
NUS Bizad Club

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will all the modules offered under the SEP master list be successfully mapped over? Am i still required to check with the overseas university whether they offer those modules listed in the document we have? thank you

Hi! With regards to the mapping of modules, ones it is submitted in myisis and you are sure about it being a business module, please be ensured that the office will try to put it as either a UE or a specialisation elective :))

Hi, if we participated in flag day during O week, will that be considered CIP points for SEP? If it is, how do we get approval for the form?

Hi! With regards to the flag day in Oweek, please place the form into the basket in the Bizad Club room next to the canteen :) The form used would be the Caring for the community form :)

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whats the diff between second major in BA and specialising in BA? Is the latter a subset of the former? Or do they have very different coverage?

The difference is just in modular credits (major = 48mcs and spec = 24mcs).
There would be slight differences with regards to the modules read, however, all in all, it should be similar :)

How to double specialise, on top of a second major(48mc), considering almost all the UEMs are used up for the second spec? On another note, if i am a BAC(H) with second major in analytics, would i have the capacity to take 5-6 modules of finance to be specialised?

Hi there! To take up the finance specialization, this person needs 6 modules, he can make use of his UEs for it, possible option for him to extend a semester just to take up more UEs to fulfill the requirement. But this is subject to approval by the BBA office (due to the fact that he has a second major already), this person has to write in! Hope this helps! :))

Can a bba(acc) student specialise in finance using UEs? And if so, would all have to be used?Thanks a lot!

Yes :)) Nope! You would still have 2 more UE to read other modules :))

Which modules would be allocated to bac year 2 students in semester 1? Thank you!

Hi! FIN2004 is confirmed, and there will be 2 different subsets that a BAC student can possibly get.
SUBSET A: MNO2007, BSP2001, DSC2006
SUBSET B: ACC3601, ACC3603, ACC3605
And ACC1006 if you are doing ACC2002 this semester :))

Would all UEs have to be used up if you want to take a second major etc in comp sci? Or would we have some left ?

Hi! As a second major's requisite is a minimum of 48MCs, this would mean that all the UEs would have to be used up! Hope this helps! :))

If a bba student wants to take double spec, would he have to use up all his UEs for the second spec? What about for second majors? thanks alot

With regards to second specialisation (24MCs) , the student will have 2 more UEs left to read other modules.
For second major, at least 48MCs must be read and for students admitted from AY2014/15 onwards: up to 16 MCs can be counted also towards the Faculty/Major/Minor requirements; and at least 16 MCs must be at Level 3000.
Hence, the student would have used up all his UEs (32MCs) for the second major.

Is it possible to clear level 3000 specialisation modules in year 2 if I have covered the pre requisities modules for that particular 3000 module?

Yep! As long as you have covered the requisites, you will be able to read the 3000 modules :)

When is the application for biz camp/oweek/rag? When are the camp dates? ty

Hi! With regards to application, please stay tune to our Bizad club Facebook page for more information :)
Camp Dates:
Biz Camp: 6-10 June
Oweek: 3-7 Aug
Rag: During the month of July
Hope this helps :)

Hi! Can I check if I will be able to map DSC3k mods for exchange if I only plan to take DSC2006 after I return from exchange?

With regards to this, it will depend if DSC2006 is a pre-requisite for the module. If it is a pre-requisite and you have not completed DSC2006, you would not be able to mapDSC3k mods! :)

Hi! I'd like to know if we are allowed to do both summer programme and SEP? How many modules can we map back?

Currently, SEP would be about 4-5 modules and Summer Programme would be about 1-3 modules :)) Hope this helps!

Hi, i'll like to find out for SEP, lets say i am going in sem 1. Is it possible to depart for exchange 2 months later from the start of the semester and end it 2 months later?

With regards to SEP, you will just have to reach before the orientation in your chosen school and come back before the first day of school in NUS for the next sem :)

Hi can we take BSP3001 before completing all the core mods since the prereq is all foundation mods?

Hi! Yep! As long as you finish the foundation modules, you will be able to take BSP3001 :)

Hi, I would like to know whether I can read more than 32 MCs of UE if I wish to complete a second specialisation plus some language modules?

Hi! You can read more than 32MCs but the school will just register the maximum amount which is 32MCs :)

Hi! May I know who I should look for to endorse my flag day participation on the SEP form?

Hi! Please place the form in the basket in the BCR and the Bizad Club president will endorse the form :)

Hi, poly students are allowed another 20MCs for programme requirements if they pass the advanced placement tests right? May I know what are the AP tests like? I mean, after leaving poly the syllabus is not very fresh in my mind anymore.

Yes, it is true that if a student passes the advanced placement tests, he/she will be exempted from selected modules. With regards to the AP tests, we do not have the full information as the topics tested are very broad (includes content from the current modules) and may not be covered in the poly syllabus. Hope this helps! :)

Also, do poly students normally take the advanced placement tests for exemptions to mods like marketing, etc?

Hi! With regards to the advanced placement tests, we generally will not recommend taking it as there is a very slim chance that a student is exempted from the modules :)

Hi! I'm a Y1 bba student. May I know, if I want to go for sep, do I need to apply during summer break?

Hi! With regards to SEP, if you would like to apply for SEP for Y2S2, please apply in may (after exams). If you would like to apply for SEP for Y3S1 or S2, please apply in October/November :)) Hope this helps!

Hello, do you think the marketing basket is the basket with the heaviest workload, or do you think the year 2 baskets are more heavy?

With regards to workload, the baskets are almost evenly spread out :)


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