
olivia pranantoputri

Ask @octopusburger

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do you have an older brother? if so, you got any suggestions on how to get bros to back off, when they put you in a headlock?

HUH hahhaahah threaten to kick them in da PLACE WHERE IT HURTS MOST. only child

Hi what collage apps do you normally use? (:

pic photo collage?? aren't they all v similar! haha

Felicia hangs out with you and natasha just because you guys are pretty and popular indons, she doesn't even suit you guys. Just saying anyway. Don't get use by her.

Ouch..??? Hahahah. Doesn't rlly bother me why she hangs out w us cos I enjoy her company so it's ok but uh thanks lol lol

Whr did u get ur fisheye iPhone lens frm :)

My friend got it fr me as a birthday present!! U cn go SCAPE or any toy outpost orrrrrrrr online also have buy online la cheaper

What are your measurements like bust waist biggest part of lower body

haah i wouldn't know bc i nvr measured

Haha it's ok I get it:) anyway you are so pretty man

apparently im a selfish cunt too hahhaha hey thanks

omg where do you get your tropical pants from?? The recent one haha it's nice:)

im kinda selfish w this kinda thing sorry :$$$$$$$$$

Did you perm your hair? If so where did you perm it at?

Didn't perm my hair!! :{{{ permed it in my mothers womb HAHhhHAHAH

why u frens with regine u are so much prettier than her whyare u hanging uglier than u

Wtf that's damn mean and shallow??? 1)friends are supposed to accept each other fr who they r and 2)how is she even ugly lol... Do u know what is ugly... U r ugly

I think catherine griffin is really hot What do you think! I'd fuck her ass upside down

Haha somebody's horny

describe gena ( even tho we only talk on twitter.... HAHAHA )

excuse me we hv talked on wa about a very impt subj (MATHHHHHH) hahahha i think she's damn lucky??? cos she's smart+hot....... AND TALL. i also think she's v nice bc she helped me w math once hahahhahah altho we dont rlly talk and i kinda just sprung it on her to help me w a question HAHAHAHHA

omg thank you ollie i love you sorry its anonymous!!!! im damn lazy to of in

off it or of in sia hahahaah

describe tam!!!

hi tammy ahhahaha she is....someone i hope i will nvr lose?? i like how we cn dont meet dont talk fr damn long but when we meet its like nths changed :}}} she is v smart like v v v v v v smart hahah and hardworking. she knows how to prioritize betw studies and play which i rlly admire abt her. she is damn thoughtful and she has done+sacrificed alooooot fr me tbh i think she does too much fr me but ohwell i like hAHAAHHAHA she's not calculative and oh she's v tall haha... she's a rlly great friend altgt!!!! too many good points abt her. oh and she's always thr fr me like rlly ALWAYS like out of 19823721897301293821 times thr might only be like 1..?? or 2 at most times whr she isnt thr but its like those damn understandable reason kind like she not in sg or sth. so ya. she's just greeat!!!


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