@origamibirds#83 🇬🇧


Ask @origamibirds

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What does true friendship mean to you?

Picking right back up where everything left off. I don't care if we don't talk for a month or two - life gets busy, right? And no, we're not going to waste time on small talk because the FUNNIEST thing happened and work and I'm gonna tell you about it in detail and then I want to know what happened to that guy you had the hots for and what your pet is doing right now and if you're still mad over that thing - time's ticking, yknow? My friends are an extension to my family so I vet them all pretty thoroughly and keep the numbers low. And if you're my friend, I love you. Simple as.

What are you like when you're sad? You always seem happy and bubbly on here.

Small. I go really, really small.

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why do nice people choose the wrong people to date?

Because at the time, that wrong decision is looking an awful lot like a right decision. And for me, it often correlates directly to their six pack and amount of dogs. I'm not too proud to admit it.

Do you have freckles or birthmarks?

Yes to both. I also have scars and bruises and cellulite and stretch marks and weird tan lines and frilly-edged teeth bc my bite is wrong so I don't use them. I've got a wonky belly button piercing (lolz) aaaand I've got wibbly fingers. So I'm unique! Just like everyone else!!1!
Liked by: spuʎ˥

What do you drink most often?

Of all time, water - which is a boring ass answer and nobody cares so let's talk about fUN drinks. Let's talk about mixing pink gin with prosecco and lemonade and drinking it from flutes whilst or legs dangled over the edge of the yacht and we watched the world go by. Let's talk about the time we're tried to make or own mint tea and spent the next three hours picking bits of badly stewed leaves out of our teeth and laughing. Let's talk about that New Year's champagne toast, which always tastes better than it does at any other time of the year. Let's talk about red wine from mugs, sitting up in front of the fire - I was resting my head on his shoulder and we spoke properly for the first time in months. Let's talk about cheap, fizzy pink wine that will always taste of summer and tipsily showing a friend up a mountain to watch the sun set. Let's talk about hot chocolates piled high with marshmallows, elderflower presse with our feet in the pool.
But let's not talk about water bc it's seriously the most nothing drink ever and I'm not here for it.

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How do you feel about anchovies? They are a very divisive food.

There's something fishy about them.

Do you wake up naturally or to an alarm or to another person or what?

shehitsback’s Profile PhotoAllison
I used to have to be up at 4am to workout, but my body clock is kind of readjusting at it's own rate. I'm waking up at 5/5.15 pretty consistently these days, and it's nice, yknow? You can lie there, take a couple off minutes and then leap into the day. It's just nice to be able to take some time rather than being late the whole time, haha!
Liked by: spuʎ˥

What’s your favorite Lana Del Rey music video?

I don't think I've actually ever watched her music videos. I drove home through the night a couple of days ago - it was like a four hour trip, I'd had a match up north - and just binged her Born To Die album. Dark Paradise is my jam, for reals. I love it 😍
Liked by: spuʎ˥

Now Theresa May has stepped down, who do you think will take over as PM?

asbeckyis’s Profile Photobecky
Ian Hislop should really do it, let's be honest.
Liked by: Doug

If you had £600,000 (or whichever currency you use) what type of property could you buy with that in your area?

youcuntx’s Profile PhotoJ.
A 3 bed semi-detached, which is awe-inspiringly awful. Especially if I compare it with the fact that it would buy a 4 or 5 bed detached property around my Mum's neck of the wood (Wales.)
I'm going to live in a campervan, just watch me.
Liked by: J.

What do you avoid writing here?

Anything too dark, anything that would bring somebody else down. I try and steer completely clear of writing anything at all when I'm sad, and I always try and avoid giving out my back details with varying success.
Liked by: Doug
+2 answers Read more

i am sorry you and your family never got the help you all deserve, it would make you all stronger, not more vulnerable

Idk man I think we're doing okay.

What if you're home alone, at late night and you sneeze. Suddenly phone rings and when you answer, Someone whispers "Bless You" and hangs up?? What'll u do then?? ??

Say thank you because I'm not a completely rude heathen.

How do alpacas do that trot where they look like theyre bouncing?

Idk man, mine just take it into their furry lil brains that it's the best way to get from one side of the paddock to the other sometimes? And all of a sudden they go bouncing through mid-air?!
It's either sheer love of life or cocaine. Potentially both.

What is the one thing you want most in your life right now

More timeeeee. Like I haven't been able to hit the gym since Monday bc I have had no fucking time.
I'm not digging this adult malarkey. I can now afford to buy all the cute leggings and have no rEASON TO WEAR THEM.
Also world peace and stuff. But still.

How's your personal life?

Tickin' along. Nobody's done anything dramatic lately so yknow, I'm twiddling my thumbs here.


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