@origamibirds#67 🇬🇧


Ask @origamibirds

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What side do you chose to hide from people?

There's a monster in your bed, kid.
You let him in.
Took him by the hand.
You cracked open your ribs, kid.
There's a monster in my bed, kid.
He kisses his knuckles,
In the second before they split my cheek.
You told him you wouldn't leave, kid.
You were going to be stronger, kid.
Last one standing.
You crossed his sorry heart,
Hoped it would dull the needles in his eyes.
But he pins you to the wall, kid
Makes you want to die, kid.
There are scars on your neck, kid.
You're barely a silhouette.
Your mother can't remember her daughter's smile,
And he looks like trouble and tastes like sin,
And his hand is a fist in your hair.
You wear Chanel, kid.
You bleed red, dress to kill,
I told him to leave, kid.
You're okay, kid.
You're going to be fine, kid.
It's over, kid.
You were just a kid, kid.

why is steering clear of SLS important? and um, what is SLS?

SLS (sodium lauryl sulphate or sodium laureth sulphate!) is a really cheap foaming agent that's used all over the place; Lush use it, The Body Shop use it, Holland and Barrett use it - all the big, ethical names as well as evvverybody else. If you check bubble baths or shampoos (anything foamy) it'll probably be second only to water in the ingredients.
Sodium Laureth/yl Sulfate is also the same group of chemicals that are used to strip engines of grease - and it does the same to your skin and hair, so a whole load of dermatitis and dandruff is caused by it. It's derived from palm oil, which is wrecking the environment through habitat loss, human rights atrocities, and species extinction - and it poisons marine life when it's washed away.
When makers of SLS petitioned for it to be used as a pesticide for organic farming, the application was denied due to its polluting properties and the environmental damage. It's not great 😅😅

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Have you heard of Kool Aid Pickles? Apparently they're just regular pickles soaked (for a few days) in Kool Aid instead of the brine that comes with them. Would you ever try it?

AmericanLass’s Profile PhotoC.
We don't have Kool Aid over here, and apparently for good reason. What are you doing, America?!

I love someone but it seems like she's in love with someone else. I feel stupid. Is letting go the better choice although I know that she's been traumatised by abandonment before? I'm vacillating between staying, giving her the care she deserves, and leaving, deaf to her suffering and ending my own?

I'm kind of stuck on the fact you said "vacillating." Give me a sec.


Hamada_Hamdy’s Profile PhotoMohamed
It's sort of terrifying when you realise how easy it would be to fall in love with them again. I read about a man who hadn't touche a cigarette in fifteen years until a two minute ride in an elevator with somebody who smelt of smoke. And afterwards, all of that time and energy and determination went up in flames with every click of his lighter.
Addiction is a funny thing.
Except, when I say funny - I mean sad. I mean complicated. I mean dangerous. I mean that you still make me laugh so easily, and you might be the only man that I have ever met who understands my mixture of vulnerability and iron will without me having to spell it out. I mean that the four walls of your godawful car are the elevator, and your smile - your sunshine smile, your sheer joy for life - is forbidden and tantalising. I mean that you are so stunning, but I cannot breathe.
I can't get you out of my lungs.
My resolve is going up in smoke.

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What's your dream job and why? What kind of salary would you be content with for the rest of your life? What are the downsides of that job?

I don't have a dream job - I have a bunch of things that I'd love to do at some point, and limiting myself to just one seems a bit sad. I want to be a travel writer, a florist, a conservationist - I want to carry on in my sailing/surf circles. I want to take time off to take pictures in places only accessible by foot. I want to make my own bath range and stress the importance of steering clear of SLS. I have no interest in being massively "successful" - I just want to be happy, and I'll work whichever jobs I have to to achieve that.
There was a saying I saw recently, and it was something like "Be stubborn about your goals, and flexible about your methods" and that's it. That's what I'm going to do.

What do you like to do on rainy days? I think they're perfect for watching scary movies or baking something sugary.

I have a real love/hate relationship with rainy days, because if they fall on my day off then I'm like "YESSSSSSSSS" and can cheerfully spend the entire day in a training hall and not feel the slightest bit of guilt. But if they fall on the other six days of the week, then I just mope around in the shop and try and bribe the sun to come out. The sun is apparently unfazed by offers of Cheddars, attempts at Native American sun dances, or pathetic pleading.
Before the shop, I was a massive one for driving my body into the ground in the morning and then curling up with a book in the afternoon. I never really had the patience to cook something and just ate golden syrup out of the tin. Which, y'know, 10/10 - would definitely recommend.

Hey, Tea. How's your day?

InterstellarTea’s Profile PhotoJosef
It's been good! Thanks, Josef. I played the Nationals last Sunday, sailed all of Sunday evening and trained all of yesterday evening - so I am a total wreck right now. I have aches where I didn't even realise I had muscles, for reals. So I decided that sitting down at work and letting all of those aches stiffen up was a terrible idea, so I played hooky and went hiking in the geopark with my dog ☺️
Hey Tea Hows your day

What is the biggest misconception people have about you?

I genuinely don't know. I don't know what people assume about me so I couldn't say whether it's true or not. I'm often mistaken for younger than I am, which is fair because hashtag team baby face, and I've got to play the "Madam, I /am/ the owner" card at least three times since opening my business which is amazing. I enjoy every second of it. On here, I've had a couple of people assume that I'm totally in control of my love life (hahahahahahano) and my self-confidence levels (trololol.)
I genuinely don't know, oops.

can you describe him?

He was one of those guys where you just know that it's going to be okay. I was a great one for getting myself into all kinds of shit and I never really worried. It would be fine. He was camera shy. Not so much of a talker, more of a listener. He didn't really "get" poetry or whatever - he liked things that said what they meant. He was a weird mixture of salt of the earth and silver spoon. He was the gentlest giant until he was riled. He was 6"2, he still seemed stocky. He was all dark stubble and storm-cloud eyes. His smile was pure sunlight and it was easy and frequent and God, I adored it. He was handsome but carelessly - he was this stunning human and he just didn't see it. He could dress impeccably when we went out and then come home and amble around in jeans and a shirt he'd had (and I'd been trying to burn) since he was seventeen. He was older than me, he frequently forgot that. He had a tattoo of three stars on his calf - my mother hated it, he kind of regretted it, I was the reason for the star right in the middle and kind of loved it. He knew all of the words to some of the weirdest rap songs, seriously. He wasn't bothered about being "The Man" - I knew engines far better than he did and he was more than happy to toss me the tools when we broke down and to go lean against the car and look pretty. He hated when we fought, but he would give as good as he got. He was always a step ahead of me - he was the one who asked me out when I had no clue, who told me he loved me. I was playing catch-up for a while. He had a thing for those movies with subtitles, which I always thought was hellishly pretentious until I watched some with him. He was as comfy going to the ballet with me as he was running around on a rugby pitch, covered in mud, sweat and blood. Or, not quite, but he knew I enjoyed it so he only ever moaned a little bit. He had a really dry sense of humour, but it was never at anybody's expense. He didn't make you guess about whether or not he cared - he'd tell you outright. His favourite colour was blue. He loved spicy food. He talked in his sleep sometimes. He tried to teach his dog to play rugby. He learnt to ride a bike when he was five. He was another English-immigrant in Wales. He put his bed under a skylight because he loved it when it rained. We went camping whenever we got the opportunity and the rule was that you had to bring back a something - be it a shell or a feather or an acorn. He brought bacback a something - be it a shell or a feather or an acorn. He brought back an entire wheel of cheese one time. He would talk to my Grandpa for hours and really didn't like my dad. He went to some of the most expensive schools and was happiest working behind a bar. He listened to his mother when she told him that he could only be successful in London. Now she's happy, and he's working in banks in London and not.
He said my name differently.

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What do you wish more people would talk to you about?

What they love. Tell me about what makes your eyes light up. Tell me about the people you would run to and leap on. Tell me about the subjects you've spent hours looking up on the Internet. Tell me about your pets, about why you love them. Tell me about your dreams, your excitements. Tell me about the things that matter to you. Tell me about the things that you feel are important, and I'll listen. I'd love that. Tell me about the million and one little things that make your days exciting. Tell me about your idols. Tell me about the things that you could accidentally talk about for hours. That would be so rad.

How do you like to spend your Sunday's?

I spent my Friday on the phone with @asdfghjklperfect talking about nipples, which was a pretty great way to while away a quiet afternoon! Sundays are the only day that I'm not at work, and I've actually worked three out of the last five anyway. Usually I coach all morning and train all afternoon - this Sunday I'm playing senior nationals all day, so I actually get some competition time which is faaabulous.


Language: English