
Seraphine Angelina

Apa yg bikin km paling bete?

I will be so damn bete if anyone ruins my plan hahaha example: I plan to do A then B then C, trus suddenly someone interrupt my plan and so it should be changed atau jadi molor deh rencanaku. Call me a bit perfectionist, yes I am haha

Latest answers from Seraphine Angelina

ga brmaksud apa2 ya c, tp kan kl makeupan trs jd kyk ga pede sm diri sdr

hah? no dear. bukan berarti km ngga pd sm diri sendiri trus make up jadi pd, confidence starts from your own mind. mau diapain aja kalo ga pd ya ga pd. I use make up because I appreciate my self as a woman now, bukan krn biar jadi pd 😄 I used to be an overconfident one long ago lol

hi c, cc knp kok suka makeupan? kalo natural kan lbh bgs

bcs I appreciate my self as an adult now. kalo dulu masih SMA sih kumus2 ya, tp skg kan udah ngga jamannya kumus. lagian, make upku natural aja kok, ngga yg menor2 gitu lol 😂

cece langganan di roxefello sampai menang give away ya? dpt apa aja ce kmrn?😁😁

as I remembered menang giveawaynya berdasarkan caption yg aku tulis sih, bukan krn langganan hahaha 😂

ce makeupnya apa aja? sm brandnya.. thanks😄

ini yg usually used yaa :)
• primer: nivea post men shave
• foundation: bourjois healthy mix serum or kadang pake missha BB cream
• powder: sephora/mac
• concealer: the saem
• eye primer: elf
• eyeliner: etude, mizzu
• eyeshadow: ud naked2
• eyebrow: cosmos, etude
• bronzer: mac, tp biasanya mix sama elf yg fiji
• blush: benefit, elf
• highlighter: mac, elf
• brush n sponge: RT, Wet n wild
• lipbalm: vaseline
• lipstick/liquid: Paul&Joe, ysl, jordana, colourpop
Rata2 sih harganya yg affordable make upku, ngga yg harganya selangit2 hahaha
Most of them aku beli di @roxefello😉

Language: English