

You talked about having generalized anxiety disorder before. Did you diagnose yourself or did you actually have to go to a doctor for it? It's not that I don't believe you. I just want to know more if you are comfortable.

nothing is hard to find when you can easily get information on the internet, as long as you're patient enough or - just by chance (yes, that's my case.) it had affected me many years prior to that and yet i didn't aware of its danger 'til a year ago. Somehow, some way, i believe i still have the ability to handle its side effects.

It’s okay to ask, really ( what truly bothers me is to see people foolishly take it for themselves as if it's sth fucking cool to show off.), just don't treat me like a patient, mental illness can be a part of me but it doesn't define who i am.

Latest answers from Pink

Sinh nhat 22 tuoi that vui nha Pink! Keo chuc Pink co the hoan thanh muc tieu tren goodreads cung nhu nhung art projects Pink da dang va se lam, tim thay that niem vui trong cuoc song va bot di nhung noi buon nha. Love you :D

you're so sweet Kẹo ơi <3 <3 xem bao nhiêu lần mấy lời chúc vẫn thích lắmm :">

What are the things you want to avoid in a relationship?

deadly silence and constant fighting

What books on your shelf are begging to be read?

A pale blue dot by carl sagan - i still have a long list of books which are half-read ??

What would you be doing right now if the internet didn't exist?

Reading, writing, drawing, collecting wilted flowers and taking photographs

Language: English