Which is the most delicious food for you? March 12, 2014 cake :) Liked by: Demetrius Vester PayPayGoesRawr Acifan KyleMatula Stephanie Barberan Woahitssarah__ Smerfetka ✨Gab✨ SavenForl Виктория
What would you like to see written on your gravestone? March 09, 2014 died fighting Liked by: Smerfetka Виктория Tarek El-Saeed
Do you already have Ask.fm app for iPhone? February 24, 2014 iv got a windows phone Liked by: Виктория Tarek El-Saeed
What do you think Ask.fm has, that no other site has? February 17, 2014 random people askng questions Liked by: Tarek El-Saeed
If you could have anything you want for dinner tonight, what would you have? February 14, 2014 hmmm id have to sasy cake gimmy cake
If you could perfectly speak any 3 languages what would it be? February 14, 2014 chinese japanise and russen