

Ask @pliskenzandar

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I’m boycotting showering until I figure out how y’all can see me everywhere I go

Vents, nano technology that makes people seem invisible z everything wifi is your enemy. Shut if the security certificates, use the focus mode to shut off the data, put your phone on safe mode, shut off google, don't trust big tech. Turn on the ttl in real time. Once you've shut off the security certificates you should only have a phone. Assume it's monitored. Contact outside forces such as the department of defense and every other homeland security thing . Even the U.N., NATO. WHATEVER IT TAKES UNTIL YOUR CIVIL RIGHTS ARE RESTORED AND RESPECTED. DONT BE CAUGHT BEHIND WALLS. STAY IN THE PUBLIC EYE AT ALL TIMES

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Alright the most interesting man on ask fm .You are white in your mid 50s ,overweight, no job ,no social life ,educated but no purpose you've been playing these sick games for years,definitely some experience there and if you call yourself King the crown is made of paper one of the BK crowns 🤣

Mid 50's. Obviously you're talking about the imposters. I got an army, fame =power, a fortune everyone is living off of. I dictate what goes in or what everyone thinks by just picking up my phone. The people tale me like the paparazzi and leaders fear me and want me silenced. Who are you and without what you stole or want from my fame & fortune. What have you got? Remember minus what you got from me. You are nothing but a hack. Not 1 in a million but 1 if a million. So, no your place and step aside for the real King

Does anyone here actually use Yahoo instead of Gmail?

marykateyelkovan’s Profile PhotoMary-Kate Yelkovan
I use to until it got hijacked by my Ex-wife Amanda and her Sister Catriona Shannon-Mills. With the help of Richard Shannon her ex-husband and Intel employee (engineer in Portland Oregon). And Alejandro Olivera, Tony Olivera , Eli , Moose, Jesse Torres Lydia Calderon;ECT, ect
Liked by: Mary-Kate Yelkovan

Best way to avoid looking silly is to not do silly s*** not indulge in silly s*** or not interwine your self time and mind doing silly shit you can't have or do anything with or about

Never underestimate the power of God's favorite creation

Why do people think it’s okay to continue the same behavior even after they’ve been asked to stop?

Maybe if they're tested they'll fail on purpose like they said they'd do

The sun is shining bright, Birds singing with delight, The world is waking up, It's time to fill your cup. Let's dance in the sunshine, And sing a happy line, Good vibes all around, Let's spread love and sound. The flowers bloom


I'm in pain ughhhhhh I just need to be alone to do something to fix it

You crazy. Just rub 1 out and go to sleep. Everyday is a new beginning


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