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Hey Megan, saw your Twitter stuff and just want you to know that everyone still loves you <3

thank you hahahahah who is this if you don't mind, you can dm me!! (-; either on twitter or on instagram (@/Itsomegan)
Liked by: maxine lee Max

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Name and describe some of your good friends/best friends

alicia: stupid person who is v cool and we rly communicate well and always say the same thing!! (-; we have the same likes and dislikes (???) and i rly love her a lot??? lol
shaoyun: v smart and likes ahem ahem ahem we always tease her bc it's v funny, she's vvv funny and always tells me jokes/ adventures of her life and cheers me up so ily!!
christy: v chio girl and v smart also!! (-: a lot of guys like her in class lol. she's vvv funny and the way she laugh is v funny lol, rly love to hang out w her
yueye: christy's twin???? like literally because they are v cool together and always say the same things, also v funny and super smart, even smarter than me ((jealous much)) ;-)
erin: hardcore mugger!! (-; got like what 262 for psle and come my school lol, she's v helpful caring clever optimistic kind and i rly like her as my v good friend
crystal: erin's bestfriend who is rly cool and chio, a lot of boys like her in class also!! (-; chio until I can't even, v smart also ((basically everyone is smart)) love her so much bc she's v funny and her facial expression is ((thumbs up))

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Liked by: Max christyy

Tbh , u are a very smart person "smarty boxers" quoted from yy :) u arh...always think u r the coolest and swaggest so proud arh... TSK TSK joking... u also veh chio AND WHITE LIKE GHOST....HEHEHE overall a very good friend of mine XD

what ghost :-) ok ily also
Liked by: maxine lee Max christyy

Any study tips?

hello!! (-;
1. do consistent revision especially when you're in secondary school and you grapple w new concepts!! do not cram everything before the night of the exam/ few nights before exams because it definitely won't work!! try to study everyday, don't wait till the exams are around the corner then you study bc it will be too late then.
2. create a study group or get a study buddy!! (-; i think that they will be helpful as you can test or quiz each other. whenever you're studying, turn off all distractions if possible ((unless you need to google something)) i think that this will be extremely helpful (-:
3. always clarify w your teachers if you don't know anything!! (-; it's better to be stupid for a minute than an eternity, approach the teacher and ask for immediate help, i am sure that the teacher will be more than willing to help you (-;
4. Take study notes!! (-: this is vitally important as you won't be able to remember everything you learn during class especially when you've so many subjects to study ((especially sciences))
before the night of the exam, do make sure that you sleep enough so that you'll be prepared for the exams tomorrow!! (-; do not burn the midnight oil as it definitely will NOT help!! I hope my tips help (((i'm not a professional))) and jiayou!! (-;

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eh megan wat is ssm? why my name there

shoot shag marry!! which shag is v disgusting ((if you really want to know, go search online)) so this game is like you need to shoot someone shag someone and marry someone and it's lame hahahhaha

Are you satisfied with everything you have now? For eg your school your friends your life your family etc

i'm definitely more than satisfied, i'm thankful for what i have now and i wouldn't ask for more because what i have now ((my friends, school, family)) are pretty damn amazing!!1!1 (-; I am definitely enjoying myself in school although mid year exams and common test *gasps* but w all my amazing friends by my side, i can't even (-; they are rly the nicest people on earth hahahah and they are rly genuine to me so yup (-; i appreciate what i have now and i'm ofc satisfied (-;

Do you enjoy your cca?

yes of course hahaha (-; it's v fun and i have aldy pick up quite a number of things through drama!! the seniors there are v friendly and sociable eheheheh and my friends ((sec1s)) are vvv funny and their acting skills are 1!1!!1!1! i can't even (-; I definitely enjoy my cca hehehe


Language: English