

Ask @purpleroses6331

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have you ever been on a special diet? (gain weight, lose weight, medical conditions) what was the diet

Lcottrill’s Profile PhotoLauren
I’ve done them all.

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Are you a calm person?

I’m a tornado inside a volcano when need be, but sure… I’m as calm as can be.

Why do people always just the outside instead of the inside of someone and why are all the good ones taken?

Some are… some are not… find the needle… be the needle

Who is/was the one that got away? Tell me your tale.

An old flame who became a new flame but we are both married…. To other people.

What makes someone a “good” person? ?

Hello… I think a good person cares about others & tries to be kind.

This dern app .. do you reply to a question... thinking.. that you are on the right question only to find. . that you posted it to the wrong question? Or is it just me...

Oh yeah… this app🙄

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