
Qeweonuing herdier

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Aries is the best sign out there we cheat and we dgaf

If you cheat and dgaf then you are literally the worst regardless of your zodiac lmao

Do you have a secret admirer who writes you romantic love letters and sends you gifts?

👁️ 👁️ are you my secret admirer?

have you ever visited Indonesia? cuz I'm from there hehe 👋🏽

aufaokti’s Profile PhotoAufa
I have not, but I definitely want to travel there some day! 🇮🇩

Do you like Harry Potter?

princessxbunnii_’s Profile PhotoBb Bunni
No I love it I’m a hufflepuff idc if pottermore says I’m a gryffindor I’m a loyal hardworking hufflepuff >.< 🦡 🦡 🦡


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