Aries is the best sign out there we cheat and we dgaf January 16, 2023 If you cheat and dgaf then you are literally the worst regardless of your zodiac lmao
Do u know what an Eskimo kiss is ? nicholas January 16, 2023 yea when you rub your nose with someone else’s nose 👃👃
Do you have a secret admirer who writes you romantic love letters and sends you gifts? January 13, 2023 👁️ 👁️ are you my secret admirer?
have you ever visited Indonesia? cuz I'm from there hehe 👋🏽 Aufa January 13, 2023 I have not, but I definitely want to travel there some day! 🇮🇩
can a religious person & a non religious person work together in a relationship/marriage? December 30, 2022 Probably
Going back in time is risky because it could change the future… would you risk it? Thinker December 24, 2022 YOLOOOO
Is it an insult when someone tells a 26 year old woman she looks 17. November 18, 2022 Sounds more like a compliment to me lol
Do you like Harry Potter? Bb Bunni November 04, 2022 No I love it I’m a hufflepuff idc if pottermore says I’m a gryffindor I’m a loyal hardworking hufflepuff >.< 🦡 🦡 🦡