
Rara Augyta Putri

Ask @raraugyta

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Kak aku liat di ig rambutny pendek ya skarang ? Knpppp ??

Biar lo tau, pas temen cowo lo ngomong "loh bro, kemaren perasaan sama yg rambut pendek?" itu gue.

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Ka rara hpnya di silent ya? Nih aku kasih notif deh....

Duh notif km gamasuk syg.. Soalnya askfm aku kan di unisntall. Bye u salababich.

rara aku liat ask fm iyy nanya smt brp ngakak hehe kamu udh ngajuin skripsi yaaa

De.. Belom pernah ngerasain mati dilemparin koin seribuan ya? 😌

List tipe cowo kamu:

Well personally,
1. Can sing well (man with a good voice has always been my weakness)
2. Can play at least 1 music instrument
3. Have a good music taste
4. Humorist
5. Tall
6. Know how to dress
7. Can do romantic thing once in a while
8. Smells good
9. Respect his mother and his family so well
10. Respect my family
11. Mature
12. Really know how to spoil me
13. Super kind (I hate typical rude guys, they're pathetic)
14. Still a leader in a relationship
15. Know how to say sorry and know how to foregive
And you guys believe it or not, Baden is a super full package. Thank God I found him💞

haaay sayangku happy birthdaaay yah , semua yang terbaik yaa mwacmwac 🎊🎉🎁💝💝

Ulang tahun aku udh lewat teh tggl 8 kmrn 😭😭 hahaha tp terimikiciw teteh shantikk hihi amiin 💋💋
Liked by: nadiarania

Ra folbek! Kemana aja cih? Long time no see~=

Tifa Husna
Syudah di follow ya teh 😚 iyaa huhu abis badennya di pekanbaru kan kmrn trs bubat jauh pisan dr rumah aku hiks 💔 kangen deeh
Liked by: Tifa Husna

Apa tanggepan kamu, jika pacar kamu punya tinder?

thank God we don't. aku ga main tinder, begitupun baden. udh punya pacar ngapain masih main begituan? :| pacarku sgt2 dewasa dan well behaved.
well "kalo iya?"
hari genee punya pacar centil~ kelaut aje~ cowo banyak kali


Language: English