
Radit Ulima

Ask @rdtulima

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What can you think about for hours?

what is my purpose
speaking of purpose, some said that we should try to isolate ourselves to know our true purpose
like prophet Mohammad saw, prophet Josef, welp
after im done with thesis im off to my own. bye!
Liked by: TinyAngeli

What gift would you like to receive?

oh yes can anybody give me a wooden watch
or any kind of watch
plus some motivation to live
just watch is enough tho lol

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Which part of day is the most productive for you?

mostly nights. but 8 am - 11 am and 2 pm - 5pm is productive for sure

What is the most unexpected thing that happened to you this week?

that nasty girl do that shit ow man how could she live anyway

How do you know when you're in love?

when i dont know how to act in front of him but craving for his attention too

Do you miss school?

assuming that i do not know what to do after i graduate then yes, i miss school.
i dont miss the morning class tho.

Which celebrity would you like to be for one day and what would you do?

william jack poulter and chloe g moretz and tom holland just because
netflix and chill probably? but chill like chillax not that kind of "chill"

Who's the person that inspires you to be better?

the low-key untalented celebs. they can make money, why cant i

Kebanyakan dari qt,,,, suka banget melihat diri sendiri di depan cermin.. Sayangnya,,, ternyata cermin itu tak sepenuhnya jujur menampilkan diri qt..

who tf still uses abbreviation with q?
oh here s/he is

Apa cara terbaik untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal?

if the good bye is for a friend then a picture and gift exchange would be nice
if the goodbye is for someone who is mean to you, i.e ex lover, then dont say anything just disappear ok

If you were a farmer, what would you grow?

cabai dan bawang bawangan untuk sambel sih.
kacang panjang dan tomat karena favorit.
kopi karena mahal?
jarak karena bisa dibuat bensin. hehe

Apa anda merasakan sesuatu saat ini?

kesel tapi ngga bisa ngapangapain karena sebab keselnya adalah uncontrollable input

What is your least favorite beverage?

cold drinks when i am cold
hot drinks when i am hot
different if i am thirsty though

Pendapat kamu tentang pacaran beda keyakinan?

yaa gapapa sih. toh di islam juga boleh asal cewenya yang non muslim kan
kalo aku sih mana aja yang beda ga masalah.

ga pengen leave teh?

leave ask.fm? sepertinya tidak. masih bisa digunakan untuk rant hal hal yang gabisa diungkapkan di platform lain.
fb penuh dengan orang relijius
twitter tempat ngelawak
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instagram tempat portofolio foto


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