

1)Who was the last dialogue with? ✨ 2) Who is your first friend? ? ? 4) Do you have many friends? ? 5) Favorite song? ? 6) Favorite movie? ? 7) Currently in love? ? 8) Favorite season of the year? ? 9) Do you dance? ? 10) Favorite fruit? ? Share this to everyone you are following

1)with daisy 2)max 4) yes 5) basta - samsara 6) pile 7) yes 8) summer 9) yes 10) apple. I will not share, I'm a rebel!???

Latest answers from Ghaida

If you were going to be stuck on an island with three celebrities, which three would you choose?

1) Selena Gomez
2) Emma Watson
3) Dylan O'Brien

Language: English