Any fool can make a rule. Any fool will mind it. I generally treat rules more as a guidelines. So most of them can be broken when the needs be.
Do you have a pet? Share its photo!
I have Czechoslovakian wolfdog named Bystrá s divokou krví.
have u ever been heart broken?
If you had to act in a movie, what character would you choose to be?
I actually played several characters in different movies.I was a chemistry teacher and ended up being blown up.I was a warlock and let disappear every grain of salt in entire kingdom, until they agreed to give me the princess as a wife. Then I discovered she can't cook and took a kitchen maid instead.I was depraved and perverted count, who met with young marquis de Sade and had shown him interesting ways of life.I was goose-loving manor manager.And of course I was myself, when they shoot a documentary about few Czech deviants.
Do you tend to stand out or blend in with a crowd?
I don't really know how to blend in a crowd. How to behave... I prefer to take control, stand out. That's situation I'm comfortable in, I know what's expected from me, how I should behave, what I should do.
Have you ever preformed any shows/acts for an audience?
Many times. I treat each and every public talk as a show, or at least I try to. I'm actor as well as teacher. In addition, I acted in several movies and something that was basically a theatrical stage play.
Jakou knihu bys doporučil někomu, kdo chce lépe pochopit svět?
Jakoukoliv. Lépe řečeno, co nejvíc různých, od různých autorů s různými názory. Lidé, kteří se snaží pochopit svět z jedné knihy, lhostejno jaké, nevyhnutelně špatně skončí.
Why do people post food and fitness routine photos on social media so much?
Virtue signalling.
Do you like short or long hair on someone of the opposite sex?
Definitely long hair, regardless to gender.
What are your favorite nighttime activities? (Late night drives, bonfires, walks, etc.)
I'm a creature of the night. So I basically do everything I can at night. Working, writing, 3D printing... It's nice to drive at night trough the city. I don't do bonfires or walks, though.
Dobrý den. Kdysi jste ve své přednášce o zálohování doporučoval program File history, který je součástí Windows. Ten ovšem alespoň u mně odmítá fungovat (nenajde HDD.) Byla by k němu stejně funkční alternatíva?
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