
Michal Altair Valášek

Ask @ridercz

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Send a photo, which is not available in social networks?

That's a trick question. Once I'll reply, it will become available on sosial networks and therefore the answer would be false.

What do you do when you're bored? 😐

Write code, stories, articles, 3D models, read, make things, chat with people... I'm never bored!

Do you think people who are over-confident, interactive with many acquaintances are shallow?

No I don't. Maybe they just handle things better than average.

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Which rules are made to be broken?

Any fool can make a rule. Any fool will mind it. I generally treat rules more as a guidelines. So most of them can be broken when the needs be.

If you had to act in a movie, what character would you choose to be?

I actually played several characters in different movies.
I was a chemistry teacher and ended up being blown up.
I was a warlock and let disappear every grain of salt in entire kingdom, until they agreed to give me the princess as a wife. Then I discovered she can't cook and took a kitchen maid instead.
I was depraved and perverted count, who met with young marquis de Sade and had shown him interesting ways of life.
I was goose-loving manor manager.
And of course I was myself, when they shoot a documentary about few Czech deviants.

Do you tend to stand out or blend in with a crowd?

I don't really know how to blend in a crowd. How to behave... I prefer to take control, stand out. That's situation I'm comfortable in, I know what's expected from me, how I should behave, what I should do.

Have you ever preformed any shows/acts for an audience?

Many times. I treat each and every public talk as a show, or at least I try to. I'm actor as well as teacher. In addition, I acted in several movies and something that was basically a theatrical stage play.

Jakou knihu bys doporučil někomu, kdo chce lépe pochopit svět?

MoniikaDominiika’s Profile PhotoMonika D.
Jakoukoliv. Lépe řečeno, co nejvíc různých, od různých autorů s různými názory. Lidé, kteří se snaží pochopit svět z jedné knihy, lhostejno jaké, nevyhnutelně špatně skončí.
Liked by: ivitek Havrane Cerny

What are your favorite nighttime activities? (Late night drives, bonfires, walks, etc.)

I'm a creature of the night. So I basically do everything I can at night. Working, writing, 3D printing... It's nice to drive at night trough the city. I don't do bonfires or walks, though.

Dobrý den. Kdysi jste ve své přednášce o zálohování doporučoval program File history, který je součástí Windows. Ten ovšem alespoň u mně odmítá fungovat (nenajde HDD.) Byla by k němu stejně funkční alternatíva?

V první řadě bych se spíš snažil vyřešit původní problém než hledat alternativu: https://www.startpage.com/do/dsearch?query=file+history+cannot+find+drive&cat=web&pl=ext-ff&language=english
Podobný SW pro lokální backup jsem nikdy nehledal, ale historii udržuje třeba i můj oblíbený Backblaze: https://altair.is/backblaze
Liked by: Thalen

Pouzivam LTE modem Huawei B310 (pripojeni-bez-kabelu od Vodafone CZ) Je takovehle pripojeni relativne bezpecne nebo bych si mel poridit modem od jineho vyrobce? Diky za odpoved

Podle mého názoru se běžných uživatelů a běžných koncových zařízení tento problém realisticky netýká. Problém je v backendových zařízeních, případně u exponovaných osob.
Podrobněji viz zde: https://tech.ihned.cz/c7-66394760-psms7-1244ee1aae93b67

what more do you feel you have to accomplish?

I don't *have* to accomplish anything. Getting rid of that feeling is crucial part of happyness, at least for me.
Liked by: Monika D.


Language: English