How many times have you stepped on Lego in your life?
I don't know. As I don't walk barefoot, steping on most things constitutes problem for those things, not for me...
What are your favorite type of questions to be asked? Questions about your life? Ones that make you think? Just opinions?
The ones that make me think and that are relevant to me.
You probably really love to travel?
Kind of. I like the travel itself. I like trains, planes, airports... They're interesting places. I like to see how they work. The same applies to cities. So I like to travel to as many cities as I can.
Nejspíš oběšením. Je to jednoduše dostupné a když se to udělá správně, tak rychlé. Další alternativou je sebevražedný atentát na Andreje Babiše - je to jeden z mála politiků, u kterých by to mělo smysl.
Which element of nature are you – air, earth, fire or water?
Why are girls with pure hearts always deceived?
Because "pure heart" is socially acceptable term for stupidity.
How are you willing to spend your summer vacation?
Isn't this question too late? But I generally don't do "summer vacations". I prefer short stays in interesting cities. Traditional one or two weeks long vacations are how I imagine hell.
Do you believe in miracles?
I rely on them.
What do u do when you're under pressure?
Depends on type of pressure. But generally I do what needs to be done.
If you somehow meet your ex , how would you treat to that?????
Weren't you on my social engineering class this week? - color: red/black, now more red/orange - clothes: anthro horse harness or jeans and t-shirtFor the rest, there is no single favorite, there are many of them and they change a lot.