Kalo pacar udah ga chat sebulan itu kenapa ya? Trus apa yg harus gue lakukan supaya dia ngerasa kehilangan gue juga gitu. Makasih sebelumnya udh mau jawab ya haha
Contemplating on that won't get you anywhere, try to move on.
Fate-talk is always fun, however sometimes it's not the only way.
Share a financial tip.
Buying too much will make you lose much too.
What are some things that you can do to be supportive for your loved ones when they are down in the dumps?
Being there for them
In your opinion, why has divorce rates exponentially increased over the years?
It's more on commitment and loyalty issue. One side probably knows too much thus makes them cheat on their partner to experience that "too much". And lack of gratitude on what they have and the choice they've made.
We claim to be self-reflective but are we really aware and honest to ourselves during the process?
Well, at least I always tried to being so
What characteristics qualify someone as mature?
Respecting both sides and know when to stop.
What makes forgiveness difficult?
It's simple. Some people really don't deserve that. If you look at how people these days, once you forgive their mistake, they'll think low of you and repeating same mistake again. Essentialy making you look like some kind of punching bag. Also, sometimes the result of their action outweighs the act of forgiveness itself. Although forgiving them will give you sense of peace, it's not wrong to show them that every action has consequence.
What are some things that should be done more to further develop the mental health industry?
More attempt to teach people that mental health exists and matters. Most people always treat it like some insignificant thing that makes the sufferer falls deeper into depression.