

Latest answers from rorodb123

Well I am worried. And you can't open up and not spill the beans! No just noo

I don't even know who you are hahaha!

What happened? Don't let it win! Think happy thoughts and distract yourself!!

Don't worry! Hasn't been the best of weekends!

hey it's not your fault. i'm so sorry for making you feel that way. It's just family stuff. don't say you're not a good person because you are! please don't feel bad! :(

i love you <3

I think Shannan King is the best looking person you know....but good answer

I might have to take that into consideration ;)

Who is the best looking person you know? There is only one true answer. If you get it wrong, it could ruin a friendship. Choose wisely, young one.

This question sounds threatening but the one true answer is that everyone is beautiful <3

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