
Ryan Teo

Ask @ryanteosw

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maybe when you were under influence of alchohol or smth and you would be the most truthful

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What kind of things do you like to do in summer?

i like to learn how to softball
i like to learn how to math
i also like to watch r rated movies when no ones at home

what is up with you background?!

ooooo it's Snow White Miley Cyrus. I got it from the cosmopolitan on snapchat discovery and I gave no shits

Why u say Isaac tan likes Laura on his fb

because he does?????!!!!!
aiya he talks to a lot of girls cos he vv popular but the rest I dk so if I want to screw with him I'll mention her name 1st

What's your favorite pickup line?

hey bby wan sum fuk.
~ one and only Dylan Lim
tried and tested -- blocked by yo valentine

KFM Amelia, Mikayla, Laura

I'm withholding judgement on this
Mikayla is very nice on the account that I knew her for so long. :)))
Amelia is mean 80% of the time
Idk who is laura

MY TURN! describe me please?:)

super cheerful girl. knew for super long alrdy.
badminton pro
super nice to everyone. literally all the time
very smart I guess?
has this rlly nice younger brother
a bit shorter than me now :)


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