J'ai pas de question particulière , j'voulais juste t'encourager et te féliciter pour le parcours que tu as fais depuis que tu joue à ce jeu ; j’espère avoir un jour la chance de te rencontrer près de Nancy-Metz . Bonne chance pour la suite

TPress’s Profile PhotoAlex Presti
merci beaucoup, ça fait plaisir :) p-e un jour !
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Latest answers from Paul

Cris par exemple le pire top laner qui a jamais existé au LCS mais le truc j'ai jamais vu quelqu'un l'insulté !! car il montre jamais ces émotions et il parlé jamais avec cette communté merdique je te conseille juste de te coupé des média encore plus qu'avant et tu sera sans doute better gl (2/2)

AnisZert’s Profile PhotoAnis
beaucoup trop tard pour ça déjà, ils chercheront toujours un coupable de toute manière

C'est chiant car 3/4 de la commu fr qui te suit t'ont jamais insulté et tu fait des amalgames sur les gens qui t'insultent ... Enfin bref gl pour la fin des la saison réguliére et les play-offs

j'ai pas dis que je me fais insulter par tout les français j'ai juste fait part que mon feed twitter était remplis de français haineux, et que la communté française est triste

What's your opinion on Huni now after seeing him play through the first split and getting to play against him in LCS.

about huni - fnatic and toplane meta
right now the meta is a lot about team coordination, not necessarily the use of tp but how you pressure having it, and how you pressure the map when you have a small advantage overall
fnatic is doing most of that at a high level, huni is really good i think like everyone in his team but i don't judge people individually but more how he plays accordingly to his team, how he plays the teamfights and things like that.
fnatic is for sure the best team right now and huni is probably the best toplaner but i don't think i'm that far from him

Do you think origen can win the split?

possibly would be really hard tho probably have a 20% chance or smth but its not our goal to win the split

What do you think about rekkles situation ?

DrkSilva’s Profile PhotoDaavid
the problem with rekkles is that he feels like peoples don't understand him so he don't really tell his problems, in fnatic i or sometimes others always had to do the first step towards him to engage a conversation about what he was annoyed about and try to fix it or help him out, but i think he is a smart person and will improve on the communication part, anyways i really love Martin and hope he'll be fine with his new team and rock this season !

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