
Sabrina Tay

Ask @sabsterette

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what do you like about boys o.O

HAHAHAHAHA well idk about boys in general but the ones that I'm close to are like my big bros super caring and funny hahaha and my boy is so sweet, cute, nice to talk to, retarded, funny, caring, willing to do anything, a good listener, advice giver and I could go on and on and on :)

What is your opinion about same gender relationships?

Errr idk. I don't think it's weird or anything but I'm against same gender marriage cause marriage is kinda a catholic tradition.
But then again, they say God is the love between and man and a woman, so how can the same gender relationship be truly centred on Christ?
Deep confusing question hahaha

How do you see yourself spending your time in your old age?

Whaaaaat hahaha
Maybe, i'll just be a fat old lady with 200 dogs and cats. Surrounded by food. That's very likely actually


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